Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Agrıculture

General Information

Agricultural Structures and Irrigation has emerged as a branch of science that provides indispensable engineering services, especially at the level of agricultural enterprises, during the development of soil and water resources and their use in production in the most effective way. Structures and Irrigation Department studies the sustainable use,development and melioration of land and water resources which has an important role in agricultural activities. Department is responsible for education, training and research about irrigation, drainage, land reclamation, agricultural construction, agricultural hydrology, soil and water conservation engineering, land consolidation, rural settlement planning. Education is provided in undergraduate, graduate and doctorate levels . Also providing courses and seminars in related topics to technical staff working in the agricultural organizations, takes an important part in deparment´s work.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Agricultural Structures and Irrigation are concerned with the optimum use, conservation and development of soil and water resources, planning, projecting and construction of the necessary structures and facilities for the creation of suitable environmental conditions at various stages of agricultural production, and taking into account the effects of longevity measures which lead to the structural and physical improvement of agricultural enterprises is an important specialty of agricultural engineering. In addition, planning of greenhouses and animal shelters is also of interest to the Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation; education and research in the fields that can be gathered in two groups as water resources (irrigation and drainage) and agricultural structures in the occupation area. In the water resources group; efficient use of land and water resources, development, analysis for improvement, Designing and operating methods, irrigation water to provide the surface, the design of surface, springer and drip irrigation systems, the design of agricultural drainage systems, land leveling, irrigation water quality, salinity, land reclamation, hydrology and hydraulic, agricultural meteorology, soil and water conservation and in agricultural structures group, plant production structures (greenhouses), animal shelters and agricultural products, analysis of storage structure and projected to ensuring optimum environmental conditions in these structures, rural planning, agricultural Engineering issues such as land consolidation is examined. Basic research topics; the water consumption of different plants, determination of irrigation programs and water-yield relationship effective utilization techniques of irrigation water, the comparison of different irrigation methods and techniques, studies to reduce the impact of the use of land and water resources, global climate change, plant-environment simulation modeling, hydrological basin modeling, new techniques in irrigation scheduling, saline and waste water use in irrigation, saline and alkaline soils, improving the sera of irrigation and drainage structural problems, identifying the greenhouse types and constructions, automation of greenhouse interior climate control is the control of environmental conditions in the animal shelters.


Appropriately the use of land and water resources that a very important places in agricultural activities, development and where necessary major role played by irrigation in agriculture activities such as the rehabilitation, drainage, land reclamation, agricultural construction, agricultural hydrology, soil and water conservation engineering, land consolidation, capable of rural settlement planning and agriculture provide structural and development of the physical aspects of their business, the impact of issues to take all of the long-term technical measures projects to produce and which has competence in the topics of educating agricultural Engineers are the target criteria of agricultural Structures and Irrigation Department.

Specific Admission Requirements

Placement through a centralized national university placement examination (ÖSYS). Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM) is responsible to place students according to their ÖSYS scores.

Qualification Awarded

The students who have successfully accomplished this program gain the bachelor's degree of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

Agricultural Engineer

Access to Further Studies

The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to graduate studies in same field or related areas if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the regulations of "Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee", which includes ALES, general point of average, and the interview.


Place of internship, management, industry, trade or service; be an institution or an organization engaged in agricultural production, agricultural research or agricultural applied trade. The institution should have the infrastructure that enables the student to gain practical working ability. The internship institution must undertake to operate the trainees effectively. Students are required to complete an internship for a total of 40 business days.

Applied Course

The rules specified in Çukurova University education and training regulations for applied courses are valid.

Work Placement

Not applied yet in this program

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Double Major and Minor opportunities are presented in the relevant directives of Çukurova University.

Employment Opportunities

Departmental graduates in public sector; - Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock - Agricultural credit cooperatives, - Special provincial administrations, - Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, - Municipalities, - Irrigation associations, - Irrigation Cooperatives, - State Hydraulic Works, can find employment opportunities. In the private sector, - In companies which design irrigation systems and produce irrigation equipment, - Landscape companies, - In companies which design and produce greenhouses, - In companies which prepare animal shelters and farm projects, - The field of activity has the opportunity to find employment in sales, production and marketing subjects at other companies related to agriculture. In these areas, they can open their own workplaces or project office and build contracting firms. They can sell irrigation equipment, mainly sprinkling and drip irrigation. Given the fact that the future of Turkey depends on the development of agriculture and agriculture based industry, the Çukurova Region, which has a great agricultural production value for our country, is at the forefront. Agricultural irrigation in the area indicated; it is one of the key pillars of what is planned, completed, used and managed, to increase productivity and economic growth, and to meet the national and regional policy objectives of agriculture. In this context, companies with more than 50 irrigation and irrigation connections currently working in the region are in need of irrigation engineers each year. Besides, the fastest development and structural change in Çukurova Region animal husbandry has been in the field of poultry, similar to the trend in the world and in our country. Departmental graduates who are competent in agricultural structures are needed for existing enterprises or those newly established.
Update Time: 04.05.2023 10:27