Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Engıneerıng

General Information

Automotive Engineering Undergraduate Program within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Cukurova University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture was opened in 2008 in order to meet the need of trained technical staff and began education and training with 31 students, 1 of which is top scoring student in the 2008-2009 academic year. Cukurova University Department of Automotive Engineering Program has been transformed into Department of Automotive Engineering with the decision taken at the meeting of Higher Executive Committee held on 05 December, 2012. Automotive industry has become one of the leading sectors in our country. Today, in our country which has become a production base of commercial vehicles, passenger cars as well as buses, minibuses, trucks, pick-ups, tow trucks and heavy construction equipment are produced and these products constitute significant portion of exports. The world's leading automotive manufacturers consider Turkey see as the automotive production center in the future, increasing their investments day by day. Students in this program will be trained as students knowing at least one foreign language, capable of R&D at the international level and capable of designing new cars. Our students are intended to start working in the sector in a short time when they graduate. With the purpose of supporting practical education and education, Cukurova University and Temsa Global Industry and Trade Inc. made cooperation, necessary area of application for practical education of our students, education and laboratory support was provided by Temsa Global Industry and Trade Inc. This relationship has also been one of the best examples of University-Industry cooperation longed for years. The proposal of Cukurova University Rectorship to establish Automotive Engineering Department within the Institute of Science and to open master's program within this department was discussed at the meeting of Higher Education General Assembly on 10.8.2009 and the proposal in question has been deemed appropriate. Automotive Engineering Department Undergraduate Program is being carried out successfully, graduating its first students. With the decision of Higher Education General Assembly on 24.08.2016, Automotive Engineering Doctoral Program has been established within the Institute of Science . Some of our courses are given according to their professional status by Mechanical Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering academicians and by experienced academicians working at Temsa Global Industry and Trade Inc. as chief or manager with a master's degree or a Ph. D. in order to maintain education successfully. Thus, practical courses are presented by those who are experts of the subject, experienced and who have practical experience. Education language at Cukurova University Department of Automotive Engineering is Turkish.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

During the four-year undergraduate education, the students who are subject to the program prepared by the opinions of our stakeholders are graduated in the hardware required by the industry. With the ERASMUS program, one or two semesters have the chance to continue their education in Europe. Students also have the opportunity to transform the theoretical knowledge they learn into practice in our laboratories.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sinan KEİYİNCİ

Erasmus Coordinator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sinan KEİYİNCİ

Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff

Arş.Gör.Dr. Arif Emre AKTAŞ


1. Graduates of Çukurova University Automotive Engineering Program work in national and international companies operating in the fields of automotive engineering and multidisciplinary engineering, 2. They continue their careers in public institutions and organizations, teaching staff of universities or research centers/institutes. 3. They continue their postgraduate education or professional training at home or abroad with the awareness of continuous renewal and development.


1. To provide people-oriented education and services using science and technology, 2. To contribute to the field of automotive engineering with scientific projects, publications and other scientific activities, 3. To raise the quality of life in line with the needs and strategic goals of the automotive industry and to raise automotive engineers who can work collaboratively across disciplines and are aware of their ethical responsibilities to increase competitiveness.

Specific Admission Requirements

Candidates who will apply to the Automotive Engineering Undergraduate Program must have a high school diploma or equivalent and have received sufficient points from the University Student Selection Examination.

Qualification Awarded

Graduates who successfully complete the program by fulfilling all the requirements receive the "Bachelor's Diploma in Automotive Engineering" degree.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

It is necessary to collect 240 ECTS course credits, including 6 departmental electives, 3 non-field electives, 1 graduation thesis, one semester of professional practice training and other compulsory courses in the curriculum, and a GPA of over 2.

Access to Further Studies

Candidates who have successfully completed their undergraduate education can study in graduate programs if they meet the application and registration requirements for master's and integrated doctorate programs.


Our department carries out a 7+1 education plan and students receive professional practice training in the 7th or 8th semesters.

Applied Course

Computer Aided Drawing, Computer Aided Design, Computer Programming, Dynamic Analysis and Structural Analysis courses in the curriculum of our department are carried out practically in computer laboratories.

Work Placement

In the 7th or 8th semester, full-time 70 working days, internships are done in companies in cooperation with the Department.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Within the scope of Erasmus, Mevlana, and Farabi programs, there are opportunities to apply to international and national exchange programs.

Employment Opportunities

Automotive Engineering Undergraduate Degree; Automotive main industry, Automotive sub-industry, R&D (Research and Development) institutions, Consulting companies, Machinery manufacturing industry, Transportation systems, Defense and Aircraft industry areas, in general, national and international private and public automotive units it can work.
Update Time: 10.05.2024 04:04