Moda Tasarımı

Associate Degree - Adana Vocatıonal School

General Information

The aim of this program is to educate and train qualified human resources who are professionalised about the fashion art, fashion design, fashion production and management, and who can work in the fields of production planning, product management, product follow up and merchandising garment mold production, computer programs used in the garment industry (CAD / CAM) .

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Technological, historical and cultural touch is evaluated, contemporary approach, environmentally sensitive, industrial and social, aware of social responsibilities, national and international design training aimed at providing It is to educate the individual and the unique and creative forces that he / she possesses, to acquire the knowledge and skills appropriate to the needs of the fashion industry, to develop self-expressing, original, contemporary, productive, participatory, confident and happy individuals.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator

Öğr. Gör. Batuhan KALAYCI

Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



Fashion design is one of the important sectors in the cultural economy that creates added value by combining production and design activities that exist intertwined with textile and clothing sectors. The aim of fashion design education is to educate individuals who are open to change, creative, qualified, producing and using knowledge. The fashion design profession, which has wide job opportunities, attracts great interest due to its advantageous earnings. Those working in this field can be employed in the design departments of garment manufacturing enterprises, fashion houses and boutiques, as well as open their own workplaces. The knowledge and skills acquired in this program can be used in professions in the field of apparel, men's, women's and children's clothing production, underwear and home furnishings and decorative areas.


In fashion design, which is becoming more and more important every day in an increasingly competitive environment, it is aimed to develop the most general and basic concepts of art such as line, form, form, proportion / proportion, color, texture, which enable students to develop their personal characteristics and talents, to help them establish the relationship between material and product and to help them make artistic drawings that will enable them to develop original suggestions while doing this, to close the gap of qualified intermediate manpower needed by the sector in these areas with the training to be given on subjects such as mold preparation and model development, use of cad cam systems and to train potential staff who can conduct research on their subjects.

Specific Admission Requirements

High School Diploma, placement with a centralized university placement exam (YGS 5 points type) - non-passing

Qualification Awarded

Fashion Design Technician

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

Students who complete all the requirements of the program, successfully complete 120 ECTS credits and complete a 30-day internship are eligible to graduate and receive the "Fashion Designer" associate degree.

Access to Further Studies

Fashion Design Program students who graduated from Normal Education, Vertical Transfer Examination (DGS) if they succeed, the 4-year undergraduate department "Fashion Design, Textile Design and Clothing Technology Teaching" to switch to one of the areas is possible.


1. Class II. At the end of the semester, the internship will take place 30 business days.

Applied Course

Practical lessons are included in the curriculum of this program.

Work Placement

Workplace training is not applied in this program.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Program students have the opportunity to be accepted to exchange programs such as Farabi and Mevlana.

Employment Opportunities

Employees in this area can be employed in the design departments, fashion houses and boutiques of companies that produce apparel, as well as open their own workplaces. The knowledge and skills gained in this program are used in the production of men's, ladies' and children's apparel in underwear and home furnishings, decorative areas, design studios, fashion agencies, fashion houses, textile design departments, In the R & D departments, the models will be able to find employment opportunities in the export and customer relations sections, individual enterprises, their own workplaces, the textile sector and many more.
Update Time: 26.02.2025 09:42