General Information
The First and Emergency Aid Program started education in the Ceyhan Campus of Çukurova University during the 2003- 2004 academic year. In 2013-2014 academic year, it included in Çukurova University Vocational School of Health Services.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
2 Year - 120 ECTS
Feature & Definition
Students are admitted to this programme according to the Higher Education Transition Examination (YKS) conducted by ÖSYM Presidency. The language of education is Turkish. Students do their theoretical and practical courses in Abdi Sütcü Vocational School of Health Services classrooms, First and Emergency Aid practice classrooms and Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine Balcalı Hospital. Students who graduate from this programme gain the title of ‘First and Emergency Aid Technician’. Our graduates can find jobs in the emergency services of universities, state hospitals and private hospitals and ambulance stations and command and control centres affiliated to 112 Provincial Ambulance Service Chief Physician.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Öğr. Gör. Hilal IŞIK
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
Öğr. Gör. Hilal IŞIK
It is to train health professionals who can apply basic life support practices within the scope of their duties, authorities and responsibilities in the pre-hospital area to the sick or injured person, who can provide advanced life support when necessary, and who can safely transport the casualty/patient to the health institution.
The aims of the programme are to train qualified technicians who will provide the necessary first aid and care services at the scene at the time of illness or accident and ensure that the patient or injured person is safely transported to the hospital by an equipped ambulance.
Specific Admission Requirements
According to the Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS) conducted by the Presidency of OSYM, students are admitted to this program within the quota. In addition to this, students are accepted in the quota announced by the international student office with the transfer quotas according to the central / grade point average.
Qualification Awarded
First and Emergency Aid Technician
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
Students must have passed the courses in the programme, at least 120 ECTS credits and a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
Access to Further Studies
Graduates deserve vertically transfer to appropriate undergraduate programs (Nursing, Emergency Aid and Disaster Management) by successfully achieving the vertical transfer exam (DGS). Thus, they can earn the right to undergraduate education.
Mandatory summer internship is 30 workdays. It may be held in emergency room of public hospitals, university hospitals and private hospitals and 112 stations.
Applied Course
Students make their practices in the practice halls of our school and in the Health Practice and Research Centre of Balcalı Hospital of our University.
Work Placement
There is no workplace training practice.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
There are Erasmus exchange program opportunities.
Employment Opportunities
Graduated students can work in emergency departments of universities, public hospitals and private hospitals and in ambulance stations, command control center of 112 Provincial Ambulance Service Chief Physicians.