General Information
It accepts as a duty to produce solutions to the problems of agriculture by using scientific methods, to present them to those working in the agricultural sector, to develop joint projects with industry, local governments and non-governmental organizations and to share the results with the society. It aims to train qualified zootechnist agricultural engineers who can work on breeding, genetic improvement, nutrition and health-protection of various animal species.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
4 Year - 240 ECTS
Feature & Definition
Department of Animal Science: aims to train qualified zootechnicist agricultural engineers who can work on breeding, genetic improvement, nutrition and health-protection of various animal species. Zootechnics department; It accepts as a duty to produce solutions to the problems of agriculture by using scientific methods, to present them to the workers in the agricultural sector, to develop joint projects with industry, local governments and non-governmental organizations and to share the results with the society. Department of Animal Science; that education has a dynamic structure, that it should be reviewed and improved every year; It accepts the evaluations of the students, graduates and interested parties of the education in practice and makes the necessary arrangements. The Department of Animal Science determines the conditions for the production, application and dissemination of knowledge in all fields for academic reasons only. He opposes stereotyped thoughts and ideas to the extent and style required by contemporary, scientific approaches. Department of Animal Science; It believes in the multifaceted benefits of academic studies and supports such activities by making use of the richness and power that will be created by the unity of different disciplines and holistic thinking in the creation of scientific, technological, cultural and artistic values.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Doç. Dr. Mervan BAYRAKTAR
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ali Galip ÖNAL
The Department of Animal Science aims to raise individuals equipped with modern knowledge, cultural background and skills, developed research and problem-solving skills, and capable of leading their environment. The Department of Animal Science provides integrated education with other branches of science in the context of the production of important animal products for human health and the economy of the country and the increase of these products. In this context, the protection of animal production resources and the environment during the production is among the missions of the zootechnical department.
The vision of the Department of Animal Science: To provide quality education, to produce information at an international level, to continuously develop, to contribute to the society on a national and universal scale, to train Animal Technicians with the qualifications required by agriculture and agriculture-based sectors, to have qualifications that can contribute to the development of animal husbandry in line with the development plans of our country. to be a division.
Specific Admission Requirements
Certified photocopy of Graduate Diploma or graduation certificate that will replace Diploma, Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts, ALES (valid for 5 years) exam conducted by ÖSYM, at least 55 numerical score or 149 from GRE, which is accepted as equivalent exams. System 610) or 450 points in GMAT, and at least 55 points in Foreign Language Exam.
Qualification Awarded
A doctorate degree is given in the Department of Animal Science.
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
The student has to take 7 courses, 21 credits, 42 ECTS and formation courses. After the Thesis Program Summary is presented in front of the Thesis Monitoring Committee, it is sent to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The student who completes the thesis work defends his thesis in front of the jury selected in accordance with the rules of the Institute of Science and Technology.
Access to Further Studies
He can pursue an academic career. He can also work in research institutions, in the private sector or in private business.
It is not implemented in this program.
Applied Course
It is not implemented in this program.
Work Placement
It is not implemented in this program.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
It is not implemented in this program.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, agricultural research institutions, agricultural cooperatives, breeders' associations, cattle, sheep and poultry enterprises, feed sector, companies operating in the field of biotechnology, various financial institutions, municipalities, agricultural production, import and has the opportunity to work in private institutions and organizations dealing with export business. They may also take up positions at universities to do academic work as well as set up and manage private farms.