General Information
The Midwifery Program started to accept undergraduate students in the 1997-1998 academic year within the part of Çukurova University Adana Health School. The program gave its first graduates at the undergraduate level in 2001. The Adana School of Health was transformed into the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2015. Since this date, the Midwifery Program continues its undergraduate education under the Faculty of Health Sciences. In the program, there is the possibility of transitioning to postgraduate education. Student admission to the Midwifery Department Master's Program in 2006 and to the Doctorate Program in 2020 to take place within the Institute of Health Sciences started and continues.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
4 Year - 240 ECTS
Feature & Definition
The Midwifery Program; has an education program to train a midwife with a bachelor's degree. The program includes compulsory courses in basic medical sciences, the midwifery profession, and general culture. In addition to the compulsory courses, there are elective courses in the training plans which offer students the chance to choose according to their own preferences.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
Öğr. Gör.Dr. Ayseren ÇEVİK
Our aim is to train professional midwives who approach clients holistically; can plan, apply and evaluate necessary midwifery care protect, improve and develop maternal, newborn, family, and public health preconception, prenatal, natal and postnatal periods; can pursue the needs of individuals in accordance with family planning services; can fulfill their roles and responsibilities as a member of the multidisciplinary health team efficiently and effectively; can take part in education, management and research about midwifery; can take into account the principles of professional ethics.
Graduates in the near future; • Being a midwife in public/private health institutions/businesses at national and international levels as a health professional who has adopted his profession, • Taking part in policy-making units or working as a freelance midwife on issues related to their profession and mother-child health; • Working as a trainer, researcher, consultant, or manager, • It is aimed to get a graduate education and/or make a career as a lecturer at universities.
Specific Admission Requirements
• Students who are placed in the relevant undergraduate program of the higher education institution as a result of the central examination conducted by the Evaluation, Selection, and Placement Center (ÖSYM), the procedures and principles of which are determined by YÖK, complete their final registration with the required documents. • There is one special condition specific to the program specified in the Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide. This condition is; "Only female students will be accepted to this program." • Admission of international students is carried out by the principles of Çukurova University International Student Admission and Registration Directive for Associate and Undergraduate Programs.
Qualification Awarded
Bachelor degree
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
1. According to the “Çukurova University Associate and Undergraduate Education-Teaching and Examination Regulation”, students must be successful in the courses, practices, and studies in the program and complete at least two hundred and forty (240) ECTS and have a GPA of at least 2.00. 2. According to the “Regulation on Determining the Minimum Education Conditions for Medical, Nursing, Midwifery, Dentistry, Veterinary, Pharmacy, and Architecture Education Programs ”, the graduation criteria defined in EUÇEP must be completed. These criteria are: a) Providing counseling to pregnant women, including at least 100 prenatal examinations, b) To provide pregnancy follow-up and care for at least 40 pregnant women, c) To have attended at least 40 births (If this number cannot be reached due to the lack of women giving birth, this number can be reduced to 30 on the condition that the student assists in 20 more births.), c) Actively participating in a breech birth (If a breech birth is not possible, simulation should be performed.) d) Episiotomy application and starting with suturing (This includes theoretical information and clinical practice. Suturing practice includes suturing after episiotomy or simple perianal tears. If necessary, this can be done in the form of simulation .), e) Monitoring and caring for 40 women at risk during pregnancy, childbirth or the postpartum period, f) Monitoring and caring for at least 100 postpartum women and healthy newborn babies ( including examination ), g) To observe and care for newborn babies, including those requiring special care, premature, postmature, low birth weight, or sick babies, h) To provide care for women with gynecological and obstetric pathologies, i) Must be involved in medical and surgical care (Including theoretical training and clinical practice).
Access to Further Studies
The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to graduate studies in same field or related areas if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the regulations of "Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee", which includes ALES, general point of average, and the interview.
Students complete a total summer internship of 40 working days, 20 working days in the summer terms of the 2nd and 3rd years, at the University and Ministry of Health Hospitals.
Applied Course
During the semester, students receive practical clinical training appropriate to the course content at the University Hospital, Ministry of Health Hospitals, and Family Health Centers.
Work Placement
Patient-centered practice in the clinic, field studies
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
There is Erasmus, Mevlana and Farabi exchange programme.
Employment Opportunities
• Graduates work with the title of " Midwife " in all institutions and organizations providing primary, secondary and tertiary health services under the Ministry of Health, as well as in private hospitals and health centers. • After graduation, they can receive the titles of guide midwife, responsible midwife, and specialist midwife with the education, certificate, and postgraduate education they receive in line with the principles defined in the Midwifery Regulation. • They can practice their profession freely. • Graduates with a bachelor's degree can continue their studies in master's and doctoral programs.