Büro Yönetimi ve Yönetici Asistanlığı

Associate Degree - Kozan Vocatıonal School

General Information

Office management and executive assistance for undergraduate education; the office work of managers in public and private sector enterprises to contribute to the qualified manpower and the Bureau on the activities of the Dec, which aims to raise a two-year higher education program.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Two-year associate degree in theoretical level and in this program It is given practical training. Office management and executive assistant section of the changing and growing business needs to resolve in this area has been established to train qualified and trained personnel. These students to business management, office management, as executive secretary and lectures, as well as writing techniques; keyboard techniques are effective in practical courses such as computer use and office automation systems. In this respect, our school is aware of the features and importance of this area continue to invest the necessary technological equipment. Also in this area F - keyboard and Q - are covered by the 10-finger keyboard lessons.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator

Öğr. Gör. Mehmet KARABULUT

Erasmus Coordinator

Öğr. Gör. Mehmet KARABULUT

Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



The aim of office management and executive assistance program to meet the requirements of a rapidly changing and evolving business equipped with the knowledge and skills, experts in the use of computers, office management principles and methods professionally capable, able to establish good human relations, and his writings with ten fingers without looking, quickly which use modern office technology who can write any protocol that has information, high-level clerks, office managers and executive assistants to train.


Public-private many institutions and organizations, universities, foundations, associations can work. The need for modern enterprises to be managed with a management approach more and more to be felt, the need for trained manpower in this field increases. Organize and execute the activities of the Bureau for developing countries in this area is to train a sufficient number of trained employee to assist you to Dec.The requirements of a thriving business, communication and the integration of the world by considering to international standards and be kept updated of the program to be upgraded is targeted.

Specific Admission Requirements

Students are admitted to the department according to the TYT score type of the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) conducted by the "Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM)". Other conditions are determined by OSYM in line with the relevant legislation of YÖK. In order for the students to be accepted to the program, they must have a high school diploma or its equivalent and must have received sufficient points from the relevant field of the exam administered by ÖSYM.

Qualification Awarded


Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

Take all the courses required for graduation within the legal time and be successful in this course continues with the condition the program is at least 2.00 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) With a total of 30 working days to complete and do an internship.

Access to Further Studies

Students who graduate from Office Management and Executive Assistantship can enter 4-year İİBF with the vertical transfer exam. As a 2-year graduate, they can enter the KPSS associate degree exam and be appointed as a civil servant if they get enough points.


Summer Training is done in 30 working days. Office Administration and Executive Assistantship programme students Companies in the public and private sector organizations, hospitals, makes his internship at places like public relations and editorial departments.

Applied Course

It ensures the development of lifelong education in the field of vocational education and makes the practices in the profession done in accordance with the regulations and projects.

Work Placement

Office Administration and Executive Assistantship programme students Companies in the public and private sector organizations, hospitals, makes his internship at places like public relations and editorial departments.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

They can benefit from the Erasmus, Farabi and Mevlana programs of the university.

Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities for graduates of the program are very high. Public-private many institutions and organizations, universities, foundations, associations can work. The need for modern enterprises to be managed with a management approach more and more to be felt, the need for trained manpower in this field increases.Organize and execute the activities of the Bureau to assist developing countries trained in this area will provide a sufficient number of the element of the Dec.
Update Time: 13.02.2025 11:20