General Information
Çukurova University Faculty of Sports Sciences was established under the Rectorate with the Decision of the Council of Ministers numbered 97/9414 published in the official gazette dated 10.06.1987 and numbered 23015, and immediately after this date, it was administratively settled and organized on the vacant first floor of the Faculty of Fisheries building within the Campus. On 16.07.1987, the Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching was opened with the decision numbered 13209 of the Council of Higher Education. First; The Department of Physical Education and Sports was established in the 1986-1987 academic year under the Faculty of Education and started normal education with 15 students in the same year. In accordance with the changing conditions of the day, it was converted into a college in the 1994-1995 academic year and then into the Faculty of Sports Sciences with the Presidential Decree numbered 2504 dated 09.05.2020. The Coach Education Department first started education and training in the School of Physical Education and Sports in the 1994-1995 Academic Year with 30 students who were selected through a special talent exam. Today, the Coach Education Department, which operates under the Faculty of Sports Sciences, trains coaches in 10 basic branches: Football, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Tennis, Athletics, Apparatus Gymnastics, Canoeing and Rowing.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
4 Year - 240 ECTS
Feature & Definition
At the end of the 4-year education, students of the department graduate after completing at least 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits of courses and practical work, in addition to a club internship in four semesters, and receive the title of "Coach". The program of the department has been rearranged in the 2020-2021 academic year by switching to the core curriculum with the decision of the YÖK in a way that will reveal the creativity of the students and allow them to increase their skills. The department staff consists of a total of 13 academic staff, including 3 Professors, 1 Associate Professor, 6 Lecturers and 3 Research Assistants. In the Department of Coach Education; Coaches are trained in 10 branches, including Football, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Tennis, Athletics and Apparatus Gymnastics, Canoeing and Rowing. The number of students, which was 50 since the 2012-2013 academic year, has been increased to 70. It has been reduced to 50 students again by YÖK in 2020-2021. The quota consists of 15% national athletes and 10% disabled athletes. Double major; minor; Erasmus (Hungary Germany Spain Poland) Farabi Mevlana and international students are accepted between the 2nd, 4th and 6th semesters.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
Education/training and opportunities are offered to educate coaches who know the structure and function of organisms in all branches of sport and in the activities related to human movements, who are competent in adapting the biological and psychological stress of exercises, who can monitor and evaluate the psycho-social impact of sports on society and the individual, and who have knowledge about structure and functioning of sports organization in our department. Opportunities are also provided to train coaches who have to acquire the principles, strategies, and tactics of youth teams and performance, who have gained team spirit, improved representation ability, experience, and self-confidence, who have acquired sporting skills and abilities that can make their professional profession in the best way, maintain their lives in a healthy, social way. In addition, coaches are trained who are open to development and change, sensitive to environmental, regional, and global issues, can provide education according to the individual characteristics of children, young people, and young adults, respectful democratic and ethical values, and advancing in the light of scientific knowledge.
In accordance with the vision and mission of the Faculty, it aims to educate generations who are always aware of responsibilities, sensitive to national and global issues, defending the indivisible integrity of their country, pacifist, productive and consistent. The Coaching Training program, it is aimed to train coaches who can be sensitive to social problems and needs, able to provide an updated teaching service by these needs, can develop projects and community service practices for these problems and needs, have adopted the ethical values of the profession, can be a role model for the society in line with these principles.
Specific Admission Requirements
To be accepted to the Coach Education Department in the exam conducted by ÖSYM, to get at least 150 points from the YKS/TYT for the relevant year and to be successful in the ÖZYES Special Talent Exam, which is also conducted by ÖSYM.,29551/2024-ozyes-kilavuz-ve-basvuru-bilgileri.html
Qualification Awarded
Coach Education Bachelor's Degree
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
To obtain a Bachelor's Degree, it is necessary to collect a total of 240 ECTS course credits in 8 semesters, 30 ECTS each semester, including compulsory and elective, and to have a GPA above 2:00.
Access to Further Studies
Students who successfully completed their undergraduate education from this program can attend higher education programs in their study fields or related fields on condition that receive the passing grade on the Academic Personnel and Post Graduate Education Entrance Exam (ALES) and have a sufficient level of English language knowledge within the frame of “C.U. Regulation of Graduate Education and Training”.
The students of the Coach Education Department gain experience in their own branches primarily within the Ç.Ü Sports Club and in the Sports Clubs affiliated to the Adana Provincial Sports Directorate with the "Specialization Branch Coaching Practice I and Specialization Branch Coaching Practice II" practice courses. Our department will have the opportunity to do internships in accordance with the BVE Practice and BVE Evaluation, Business Vocational Education (BVE) Work/Practice Principles starting from the 7th semester after the implementation of the Core Curriculum in the 2024-2025 academic year and until graduation.
Applied Course
In the Department of Coach Education; while practical courses are given in the fields of Football, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Tennis, Athletics, Apparatus Gymnastics, Canoeing and Rowing, elective courses for all other sports branches are given in a wide range of practical courses.
Work Placement
Students studying in the coaching training program can improve their learning by applying the basic knowledge they have learned in school, especially in a C.U. Sports Club (basketball, volleyball, table tennis, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, canoeing, rowing, and other water sports), and other sports clubs.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
Undergraduate student transfers between associated and undergraduate programs at Cukurova University are made on the basis of paragraph (e) of the first paragraph of Article 7 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and article of law published in the Official Gazette No. 27561 dated 24/04/2010. In this context, the undergraduate transfers are made by ensuring the criteria and prerequisites specified in the scope of the "Directive on the Principles of Undergraduate Student Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs of Çukurova University". According to the Directive on the Principles of Undergraduate Student Transfer Between Associate Degree and Undergraduate Degree Programs of Çukurova University, students can benefit from common program opportunities.
Employment Opportunities
The Department of Coaching Education trains sports educators who are in great need of our country in the field of sports. Alumni of the Department work as a coach and assistant coach in professional and amateur sports clubs, in the central and provincial organizations of the General Directorate of Youth and Sports, and schools affiliated to the Ministry of Education. Moreover, graduates take responsibility for teaching sporting events and sports organizations in various fields such as private sports centers and tourism.