Geologial Engineering (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

General Information

The education in Geological Engineering Department, at Master of Science level, started in 1982, and the first graduates were awarded in 1984. Students who have completed Master of Science program in Geological Engineering are able to solve all problems related to geology in their own fields (structural, stratigraphy, sedimentology, mineral deposits, water and environmental pollution, petrography, dam, road, ground survey etc.), Geological Engineers who want to specialize in the field of advanced education. (Students who have completed Master of Science program in Geological Engineering are able to contiue his/her Ph.D education to solve all problems related to geology in their own fields (e.g. structural, stratigraphy, sedimentology, mineral deposits, water and environmental pollution, petrography, dam, road, ground survey etc.).) A student-based education-research program is aimed at our

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Geological Engineering Department at Cukurova University carries out a curriculum to educate students to become expert geologists who can take a role in the search and extraction of natural resources, recognise the natural events such as landslides and earthquakes, and search for their causes and produce solutions for them. This enables the department to educate expert geologists who have the competency to work individually or in groups to identify geological problems, find solutions for them and apply these solutions with an ethical responsibility.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



Geological Engineering Department at Cukurova University carries out a curriculum to educate students to become expert geologists who can take a role in the search and extraction of natural resources, recognise the natural events such as landslides and earthquakes, and search for their causes and produce solutions for them. This enables the department to educate expert geologists who have the competency to work individually or in groups to identify geological problems, find solutions for them and apply these solutions with an ethical responsibility.


Geological Engineering Department at Cukurova University carries out a curriculum to educate students to become expert geologists who can take a role in the search and extraction of natural resources, recognise the natural events such as landslides and earthquakes, and search for their causes and produce solutions for them. This enables the department to educate expert geologists who have the competency to work individually or in groups to identify geological problems, find solutions for them and apply these solutions with an ethical responsibility.

Specific Admission Requirements

The students can apply to this program providing ALES score, grade point averages and interview in accordance with the regulations of “Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee” and can pursue their education in their or in related fields.

Qualification Awarded

Geological Engineering Department of Çukurova University started its Master's Degree education in 1982. Students who have completed degree program in Geological Engineering are able to solve all problems related to geology in their own fields (structural, stratigraphy, sedimentology, mineral deposits, water and environmental pollution, petrography, dam, road, ground survey etc.), Geological Engineers who want to specialize in the field of advanced education

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

Students who meet the conditions within the framework of "C.U. Graduate Education and Training Regulations" A student in the master's program with thesis has to write the results obtained in accordance with the thesis writing rules and defend his thesis orally in front of the jury. The successful student is entitled to receive the Master's degree.

Access to Further Studies

The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to obtain a PhD degree in their or related fields if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the “Regulations of Çukurova University Graduate Studies”, which includes a required ALES score and an adequate English language proficiency.


There is no internship.

Applied Course

The course is held in the relevant laboratories at the time determined by the Advisor.

Work Placement

Work Based Learning is not available.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Double Major / Minor / Joint Program Opportunities are not available ..

Employment Opportunities

The graduates having MSc degree from Geological Engineering Department have many opportunities of employment in a varitey of state and private companies. The main state companies where the graduates can work include the State Water Works, General Directorate of Motorways, Mineral Research and Exploration Institute, Turkish Petroleum and municipalities. Currently, the majority of the graduates can find jobs in private sector engaged mainly in mineral exploration and extraction companies as well as in construction companies working on tunnels, roadworks and dams. There are also cases where the graduates set up their own jobs mainly in the field of drilling and soil investigation.
Update Time: 13.05.2024 03:03