General Information
Aim of the programme is to supply for students to gain required knowledge and skill, and do scientific researches in their fields in order to be able to run religious servie effectively.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
2 Year - 120 ECTS
Feature & Definition
To educate researchers and gualified persons who are able to do researches on several dimensions of relationships of human, religion and culture in the fields of Religious psychology, Religious Education, Religious Sociology, History of Religion, Philosophy of Religion, History of Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, and Logic.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Doç. Dr. Serkan ÇELİKAN
Orientation Staff
To bring up experts who have the knowledge of scholarly ethical standards and are able read and comprehend the principal sources in their fields, produce sound and appropriate knowledge out of them and convey them in a systematic way to those who are concerned.
To equip the students with the ability of reading and understanding the principal Islamic sources, of assessing the resources found in them in a sound and healthy way, of formulating both verbally and in written form the outcomes in a systematic way and of using them for the contemporary nneds.
Specific Admission Requirements
In order to graduate this programme it is required to accomplish all courses of the programme, and to have at least 3.00 on a 4.00 points.
Qualification Awarded
The students accomplishing this programme (master with thesis) are given the certificate of Philosophy and Religious Studies.
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
Defending the master's thesis and getting acceptance from the jury.
Access to Further Studies
The students accomplishing their master degree in this programme can receive education in a doctorate programme in their fields or related fields proviging that they get passing grade at ALES, and have sufficiently knowledge of a foreign language.
There is no internship in this program.
Applied Course
There are no applied courses in this program.
Work Placement
It is not a vocational training program.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
The program has no exchange possibilities.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates of the Faculty of Theology may pursue their career in the central and provincial units of the Presidency of Religious Affairs or as teachers of the course of Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge in the secondary and high schools or of professional courses in the Imam-Hatip high schools.