Biotechnology (English) (Interdisciplinary)

Doctorate Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

General Information

Department of Biotechnology: It is a branch of science that seeks scientific and industrial solutions to the problems encountered in the field of biotechnology in different disciplines such as Health, Agriculture, Engineering, Fisheries, Food, Environment and aims to contribute to universal science and provides postgraduate education.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

1. To train biotechnology experts with advanced knowledge and skills that will enable them to reach their career goals in various national and international business, industry, research and development and various academic institutions. 2. To contribute to the development of the knowledge and skills of the staff working in various organizations. 3. To develop the skills of Biotechnology Science Specialist candidates by using scientific methods and considering ethical values, to be able to solve problems, to engage in multidisciplinary studies, to present information and experiences verbally and in writing, and to develop lifelong learning skills.

Mode of Study

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Update Time: 14.05.2024 05:06