Astronomy and Astrophysics (with Thesis) (Interdisciplinary)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

General Information

Astronomy and Space Sciences program; A training course in order to train modern astronomers who are equipped with knowledge and skills in the field of Astronomy and Space Sciences, who follow the innovations in the field of science and technology, who have embraced the ethical values and contemporary scientific thought, who are aware of the realities of life and have adopted the importance of lifelong learning. conducts the plan.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

As one of the basic sciences, astronomy and space sciences, it is a branch of science that investigates the structure, evolution, movement and interactions of bodies. First of all, the Astronomy and Space Sciences Education Program aims to provide qualified education and training to educate scholars in order to conduct research and research. During the first four semesters, the program consists of eight semesters in total. Advanced astronomy and astrophysics courses are in the last four semesters of the program. The program includes theoretical and practical courses.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 07.05.2024 02:00