General Information
The Department of Health Physics provides comprehensive training in medical physics and health physics in nuclear, diagnostic and treatment. Those with a Master's degree are trained to teach, conduct research and work as a clinical physicist in medical centers, national laboratories and universities and in the medical and nuclear technology industry. Health physicists proffessionally contribute to radiation therapy of advanced cancer patients in medical centers, advanced medical imaging and diagnostic applications, or related research and learning. They can operate radiation protection programs of nuclear industrial equipment, hospitals or laboratories, or conduct research on the measurement of ionization radiation (dosimeters). The evaluation of the results and the placement of the applicants are in the appreciation / evaluation of the Department of Health Physics of the Institute of Health Sciences, CU. CU SAGBILE has the initiative not to fill the quotas. Ensuring application conditions does not guarantee admission to the program. Applications are evaluated by the admissions committee of the related institute. The results can be found in the application program. Successful applicants can find ways to follow the "Results and Registration" section.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
2 Year - 120 ECTS
Feature & Definition
Provides Master's degree in Health Physics. The Master of Science (MSc) in Health Physics is a valuable and worthwhile final program and provides many jobs in this area. It is possible to teach / give information about medical treatment, medical imaging, radiological physics and dosimeters. Health Physics is a branch of applied physics. Uses the concepts and methods of physics for the diagnosis and treatment of human cervical diseases. ÇÜ Department of Health Physics offers a master's degree in radiological physics, radiotherapy physics, physics of nuclear medicine and dosimeter and a thesis on functional, anatomical and instrumental imaging. Different application methods such as ultrasonography and magnetic resonance are in the curriculum and research.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
The aim of this course is to provide the students who are not able to participate in the first education programs in the field of Health Physics for different reasons, to gain the ability to access, evaluate and interpret the information in the relevant field and to teach how to use the existing knowledge in the hospital environment.
Turkey and the European Union, the Health Physics is an open branches in the development of medical science is to provide value-added innovations in science.
Specific Admission Requirements
This program is a race-based program within the framework of bir CU Master's Education and Training Regulation Bu. The applications are evaluated according to the results of ALES, ÜDS, undergraduate graduation GPA, interview exam score, internship / research experience in health physics, letter of reference and why the subject wants to work together. Although it is assumed that the best preparation for master's degree in Health Physics is a bachelor's degree in physics, graduates of physics, nuclear engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or chemical engineering are also accepted to the program.
Qualification Awarded
Students who have successfully completed this program will be given a diploma in Health Physics (Master of Science with Thesis).
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
Turkey and the European Union, the Health Physics is an open branches in the development of medical science is to provide value-added innovations in science.
Access to Further Studies
Bu programda yüksek lisans eğitimini başarı ile tamamlayan öğrenciler, ALES sınavından geçerli not almaları ve yeterli düzeyde İngilizce dil bilgisine sahip olmaları koşuluyla kendi alanlarında veya ilgili alanlarda Doktora programlarında öğrenim görebilirler.
Turkey and the European Union, the Health Physics is an open branches in the development of medical science is to provide value-added innovations in science.
Applied Course
Turkey and the European Union, the Health Physics is an open branches in the development of medical science is to provide value-added innovations in science.
Work Placement
Turkey and the European Union, the Health Physics is an open branches in the development of medical science is to provide value-added innovations in science.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
Turkey and the European Union, the Health Physics is an open branches in the development of medical science is to provide value-added innovations in science.
Employment Opportunities
ÇU Sağlık Fiziği Bölümü´nde yüksek lisans çalışmaları öğrencileri öğrenime, araştırmaya ve hastanelerde, medikal merkezlerde , ulusal laboratuvarlarda, üniversitelerde ve hükümete ait düzenleyici kurumlarda klinik fizik hizmetlerine hazırlar. İsterlerse doktora yaparak akademik hayatlarına devam ederler. Sağlık Fiziği programının en fazla ehemmiyet verdiği konular radyolojik fiziktedir. Radyoloji fizikçileri profesyonel olarak örneğin, kanser hastalarının radyasyonla tedavisine, ultrasonografi, PET, CT ve MRI gibi ileri diyagnostik görüntüleme yöntemlerine ve ilgili araştırma, öğrenim ve kalite güvenliği (QA) konularına katılıp işbirliği yaparlar.