General Information
The program of architecture aims to raise students´ awareness of the tasks, duties and responsibilities of an architect through 4-year undergraduate program covering architectural design, building construction, building physics, building technology, history of architecture, urban conservation, basic design, design methodology, ecological and sustainable design, building programming and evaluation, construction and management economy, site management and operations, building materials, controlling of physical environment, environmental quality, making architectural plans restoration, contemporary building systems, ergonomics in architecture and architectural presentation techniques. The program consists of theoretical and practical courses as well as summer trainings within the Faculty of Architecture and confers the title of "architect" after four years of education. The program has graduated several well-qualified architects who work in both private and state sectors since 1994.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
4 Year - 240 ECTS
Feature & Definition
The Bachelor programme of architecture consists of education on theoretical and applied fields focusing mainly on history of architecture, building design, construction design and urban planning, as well as training sessions in an architectural office and a construction site for 22 days each. Our students are required to take selective courses (related and unrelated to the programme) which cover 25% of 240 ECTS in total. The education and research activities of the department are undertaken in fully equipped design, model and material studios and computer laboratories within the campus. Furthermore, there are common laboratories of the Faculty for structural research. Our students have the opportunity to attend student exchange programmes such as ERASMUS and FARABI and also to apply for double major undergraduate programs within the Faculty. The education is supported with technical and cultural trips and also apart from the formal course hours, exhibitions, seminars and conferences are organized for the professional and cultural development of the students.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi KASIM ÇELİK
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi NUR YILMAZ
The aims of the architectural undergraduate programme are to inform students about the main areas of architecture, to develop their skills and abilities, to teach ways of methods and ways of thinking to improve opportunities to use their creativity, to make them gain experience, to train students as good citizens who respect and protect public welfare and who embrace ethical values. The main target of the programme is to train architects who have the following qualities: • Creating environments that respond to aesthetical, technical and ecological needs, gaining the ability to think in a creative, analytical and innovative way, • Producing cooperation between disciplines, keeping on lifelong education, having self-esteem, being a trustworthy, a people friendly, a self-critic, a fair-minded and a unique person, • Understanding the relationship between people and buildings, evaluating buildings and the environment they belong to, apprehending the building-space relationship regarding human needs and to be conscious about architectural heritage, • Gaining skills to respond to the aesthetical and technical requirements through the design process, • Having adequate information about architectural theory, history, fine arts, technologies and anthropology, • Having adequate information about planning theory, urban design and planning process, • Having adequate information about fine arts that have effect on the quality of architectural design, • Gaining adequate knowledge about architectural practice and the place of the architect in society, • Having adequate knowledge about methods for research and evaluation throughout architectural design, • Gaining adequate information on building design, structural design, building technologies, building techniques and engineering problems, • Gaining adequate knowledge about project management, cost management and project financing, • Gaining adequate information on research techniques and reporting.
The goal of the programme is to give competency on theoretical background, practical issues, skills for evaluating and decision-making processes and the process of architectural design. In order to gain competency principles of architectural history, sustainable design, environmental issues, current and historic building techniques, building materials and technologies, and project management method are taught.
Specific Admission Requirements
Placement through a centralized national university placement examination (ÖSYS-YKS). Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM) is responsible to place students according to their ÖSYS numerical test scores.
Qualification Awarded
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
To be successful in this program, students are required to successfully complete all the courses to meet a minimum of 240 ECTS credit requirements, achieve 40 days of vocational training and have a minimum of GPA of 2.00/4.00.
Access to Further Studies
The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to graduate studies in same field or related areas if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the regulations of "Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee", which includes ALES, general point of average, and the interview.
44 days of vocational training; 22 working days on the construction site and 22 working days in an architectural office.
Applied Course
There are no applied courses in this program.
Work Placement
There is no workplace training in the program.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
There are domestic and international student exchange programs such as Mevlana, Farabi, and Erasmus.
Employment Opportunities
The graduates of the programme are eligible to work for public bodies and the private sector, in design departments, on the construction site, in areas of material design, production, marketing, and consultancy.