Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Archıtecture

General Information

The program of architecture aims to raise students´ awareness of the tasks, duties and responsibilities of an architect through 4-year undergraduate program covering architectural design, building construction, building physics, building technology, history of architecture, urban conservation, basic design, design methodology, ecological and sustainable design, building programming and evaluation, construction and management economy, site management and operations, building materials, controlling of physical environment, environmental quality, making architectural plans restoration, contemporary building systems, ergonomics in architecture and architectural presentation techniques. The program consists of theoretical and practical courses as well as summer trainings within the Faculty of Architecture and confers the title of "architect" after four years of education. The program has graduated several well-qualified architects who work in both private and state sectors since 1994.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The Bachelor programme of architecture consists of education on theoretical and applied fields focusing mainly on history of architecture, building design, construction design and urban planning, as well as training sessions in an architectural office and a construction site for 22 days each. Our students are required to take selective courses (related and unrelated to the programme) which cover 25% of 240 ECTS in total. The education and research activities of the department are undertaken in fully equipped design, model and material studios and computer laboratories within the campus. Furthermore, there are common laboratories of the Faculty for structural research. Our students have the opportunity to attend student exchange programmes such as ERASMUS and FARABI and also to apply for double major undergraduate programs within the Faculty. The education is supported with technical and cultural trips and also apart from the formal course hours, exhibitions, seminars and conferences are organized for the professional and cultural development of the students.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 28.02.2025 05:27