General Information
With the Electronics Technology Program course content, students are able to learn basic principles of electronics, electronic equipment installation, necessary maintenance and repair, measuring instruments, computers and current software programs designed for industrial use, an electronic circuit diagram of a computer to draw and read, industrial machinery, computer and how to electronically to be controlled, preparing a technical report, ensure the safety of the workplace.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
2 Year - 120 ECTS
Feature & Definition
With the Electronics Technology Program course content, students are able to learn basic principles of electronics, electronic equipment installation, necessary maintenance and repair, measuring instruments, computers and current software programs designed for industrial use, an electronic circuit diagram of a computer to draw and read, industrial machinery, computer and how to electronically to be controlled, preparing a technical report, ensure the safety of the workplace
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Öğr. Gör. Abdülvahap SAYGIN
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
Our mission to train technical staff who dominate industrial electronic topics and keep those terms working. The educational program focus onthe development of technical competence and critical thinking skills as well associal and personal values
Our mission to train technical staff who dominate industrial electronic topics and keep those terms working. The educational program focus onthe development of technical competence and critical thinking skills as well associal and personal values
Specific Admission Requirements
Students can enroll in the program by obtaining a sufficient score from the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) of the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) conducted by The Measuring, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM).
Qualification Awarded
Electronic technician
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
The education period is four semesters. In order for students to graduate from the program, they must take all the courses available in this program and have 120 ECTS, complete them with a weighted grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and not have failed courses. Graduates are entitled to receive an Associate Degree in Electricity.
Access to Further Studies
Students have rights that completing bachelor´s degree after OSYM vertical transition examination. Students who have complated Electronic Technology associate degree program can transfer to Computer and Control Education, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Education, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electronic Education, Electronic and Computer Education, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communication Education, Industrial Technology Education, Energy, Education, Physics, Aviation Electricity and Electronics, Control Education, Meteorological Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Telecommunication Teaching, Space Engineering faculties by vertical transition DGS exam.
There is a compulsory internship of 30 working days.
Applied Course
Except for internship and workplace training, 65% of the courses in the program are theoretical and applied. Laboratory and workshop studies are carried out in the applied parts of the courses.
Work Placement
In the program, 3+1 education model is applied and in the fourth semester, students who want and meet the conditions can do Workplace Training in a workplace directed by the program.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
Program students have the opportunity to be accepted to exchange programs such as Erasmus, Farabi and Mevlana.
Employment Opportunities
Public institutions and organizations, The factories manufacturing industrial electronics, Installation and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment, repair, Industrial Control applications and All private organizations that use electronic devices.