Automotive Engineering

Doctorate Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

General Information

After Automotive Engineering undergraduate department was established in 2008, Doctorate Program of the Automotive Engineering Department was opened within the Natural and Applied Sciences with the decision of the Council of Higher Education Plenary Session dated 24.08.2016. Some of our courses are given by the faculty members of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering Departments according to their expertise in order to continue the education and training successfully.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Automotive Engineering Ph.D. program, for students admitted with a master's degree with thesis, at least seven credit courses, with a total of at least twenty-one credits and not less than 60 ECTS in one academic term (total of fall and spring semesters); consists of seminar course, specialization courses, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis work and cannot be less than 240 ECTS credits. The maximum number of courses that can be taken in the doctoral program is ten. Additional courses can be taken upon the request of the student and the advisor, the recommendation of the department head containing the reasoned decision of the department/academic committee, and the approval of the institute board of directors. The seminar course is held during the course period and is not included in the credit load. Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics course may not be included in the credit load depending on the decision of the relevant institute board, and if it is not taken at the master's degree, it is taken at the doctoral stage. Provided that at most two of the courses were not taken during the graduate education, they can be selected from the graduate courses.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sinan KEİYİNCİ

Erasmus Coordinator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Sinan KEİYİNCİ

Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff

Arş.Gör.Dr. Arif Emre AKTAŞ


In line with the industrial needs and strategic goals of our country, equipped with universally valid knowledge and skills in the automotive field, able to work jointly across disciplines, aware of professional and ethical responsibilities, having international communication, access to information resources and international competence, researcher, questioning, analytical thinking, research and to train graduates who contribute to national and international technology production with development activities.


In line with the industrial needs and strategic goals of our country, equipped with universally valid knowledge and skills in the automotive field, able to work jointly across disciplines, aware of professional and ethical responsibilities, having international communication, access to information resources and international competence, researcher, questioning, analytical thinking, research and to train graduates who contribute to national and international technology production with development activities.

Specific Admission Requirements

In order to enroll in the Automotive Engineering Doctorate Program, to have a bachelor's or master's degree from the fields specified in the guide in the fall and spring semesters of our university (undergraduate grade point average of at least 3 out of 4) is required. Also, it is required to get at least 55 (numerical points) from the ALES exam administered by ÖSYM (or an equivalent exam) and to get at least 55 points from the foreign language exam conducted by ÖSYM (or an equivalent exam). In order to apply directly to the doctoral program after undergraduate education, the ALES score must be at least 80 numerical points.

Qualification Awarded

When the program is successfully completed and the program qualifications are met, a Ph.D. degree in Automotive Engineering is obtained.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

Automotive Engineering Ph.D. program, for students admitted with a master's degree with thesis, at least seven credit courses, with a total of at least twenty-one credits and not less than 60 ECTS in one academic term (total of fall and spring semesters); consists of seminar course, specialization courses, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis work and cannot be less than 240 ECTS credits. In order for the student's thesis to be finalized, at least three thesis monitoring committee reports must be submitted, provided that the other conditions are met. Before the defense of the doctoral thesis and in the thesis for which correction is given, the student completes the thesis together with the correction and presents it to his/her advisor. The advisor submits the thesis to the institute with his/her opinion that the thesis is defensible.

Access to Further Studies

Students who graduate within the scope of the program have a doctorate degree.


There is no internship course within the scope of doctoral education.

Applied Course

There are no applied courses within the scope of doctoral education.

Work Placement

There is no workplace training within the scope of doctoral education.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Within the scope of Erasmus, Mevlana and Farabi programs, there are opportunities to apply to international and national exchange programs.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates of the doctorate program have the opportunity to work in the automotive industry, oil refineries, defense industry, R&D centers of machinery and automotive companies, sales and marketing, and homologation units. In addition, they can be employed as academicians at universities and as specialist personnel in state or private research institutions.
Update Time: 13.05.2024 11:55