Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Engıneerıng

General Information

Department of Geology was established in 1977 named as "Department of Earth Science" within the Basic Sciences Faculty at Cukurova University. The department accepted students in the same year and had its first graduates in 1981. The department joined to the Engineering and Architecture Faculty under the law of Higher Education in 1982. Department of Geological Engineering is a four year degree program providing modern education and training. The medium of teaching is Turkish.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Department of Geology carries out a curriculum to educate students to become geologists who can understand and relate the formation, evolution and life on our Earth and other planets, employ the traditional sciences to derive a holistic picture of the development of Earth, search and manage the natural resources in an environmental friendly way, and design critical facilities which have become necessary for urbanization and industrial development derived by population increase. In this respect, along with the fundamental and theoretical sciences, additional courses such as engineering ethics, computer and field applications are offered. In this program, graduates of our department gain ability and courage to solve geological problems in line with fundamental and applied sciences.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff

Arş.Gör.Dr. Emine ŞEKER ZOR


The aim of the Geological Engineering Department is to train geological engineers who provide contemporary and international education, produce knowledge, conduct and publish research, particularly investigate natural resources, solve all kinds of technical problems related to geology using current scientific methods, contribute to the understanding of nature, respond to the needs of society, and are qualified to work in private and public institutions. In addition, it provides graduate level education and training; trains academic staff; conducts scientific research and publications at national and international levels, organizes meetings, carries out projects; communicates with graduates and contributes to the solution of regional problems and provides consultancy services to some institutions and organizations.


1. To provide undergraduate students with basic knowledge such as mathematics, physics and chemistry along with the basic principles of earth sciences, to enable them to understand, produce solutions and apply geology and engineering problems, 2. To encourage creative thinking and develop independent and original research skills in undergraduate and graduate programs, 3. To popularize multidisciplinary teamwork, 4. To educate students with social awareness within the scope of protecting public health and safety within the framework of ethical responsibility against problems caused by geologically developing problems in nature (earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, active volcanoes, liquefaction, ground problems, etc.), 5. To ensure that natural resources (metallic mines, fossil fuels, geothermal fields, water, etc.) are revealed with scientific and technical methods, 6. To instill the habit of lifelong education and continuous renewal during the education process, 7. To raise individuals who can closely follow the rapidly developing information age and have a positive approach to current country and world problems in many dimensions, 8. To raise young people who have the ability and courage to solve problems with a scientific approach within the framework of basic and applied science branches aims.

Specific Admission Requirements

Placement through a centralized national university placement examination (ÖSYS). Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM) is responsible to place students according to their ÖSYS scores.

Qualification Awarded

Geological Engineer

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

To be successful in this program, students are required to successfully complete all the courses to meet a minimum of 240 ECTS credit requirement and have a minimum of GPA of 2.00/4.00.

Access to Further Studies

The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to graduate studies in same field or related areas if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the regulations of "Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee", which includes ALES, general point of average, and the interview.


20 working days of in-house internship and 10 days of field camp internship are provided.

Applied Course

Our department curriculum includes courses such as Mineralogy, Computer Aided Drawing, Computer Aided Geological Modeling, Design in Geosciences, Paleontology, Structural Geology, Optical Mineralogy, Igneous-Metamorphic Petrography, Sedimentology, Tectonics, Statistics in Geosciences, Geographic Information Systems, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Sedimentary petrography, Ore deposits, Soil mechanics, Field Geology, Engineering geology, Multi-disciplinary Engineering project, Geotechnics, Graduation project courses, which are carried out practically in computer, sedimentology, mineralogy, soil and rock mechanics, geochemistry laboratories.

Work Placement

There is no workplace training in this program.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Within the scope of Erasmus, Mevlana, and Farabi programs, there are opportunities to apply to international and national exchange programs.

Employment Opportunities

Geological engineers work in both the public and private sectors. In the public sector, geological engineers work in the following sectors: MTA and TPAO, DSI, Bank of Provinces, TKİ, TTK, Special Provincial Administrations, Municipalities, Public Works, Etibank, Cement Factories and Universities; and in the private sector, they work in mining and oil companies, ground survey and drilling companies and various engineering companies.
Update Time: 18.02.2025 08:13