
Doctorate Degree - Instıtute Of Socıal Scıences

General Information

Accounting Doctoral Program is a program carried out to bring up the students who are highly specilized on the field, in order to grasp up to date developments in both private and public sectors as well as in the academic field.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Accounting Doctoral Program aims to examine widely used techniques and processes, current developments and existing theories and research findings ocurred in the area.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator

Orientation Staff



To teach and educate highly specialized personnel with excellent scientific (oral and verbal interprepation) skills who would apply his/her Accountingknowledge in various structures of public and private sectors as pioneering in supply of goods and services of good quality and maintain interdisciplinary studies.


To advance in scientific research and publications on several aspects such as, national and international supply of needed goods and services in quality, efficient use of resources and resolution of social issues To play an important role in contributing to universal science in the field of Accounting To increase the employment opportunities of its graduates. To produce publications in science citation indexed journals and to improve quality in book writing

Specific Admission Requirements

In order to graduate from this program, the students are required to successfully complete all the courses with a minimum average grade point of 3.00 out of 4.00 and successfully pass the doctoral sufficiency exam and thesis defense.

Qualification Awarded

The students who have successfully accomplished this program gain the PhD degree of Accounting Doctoral Program.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

For students who are accepted to a doctoral program with a master's degree with thesis, at least seven credit courses, with a total of at least 21 credits and 60 ECTS in one academic term (total of fall and spring semesters); consists of seminar course, specialization courses, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis work and cannot be less than 240 ECTS credits.

Access to Further Studies

While graduates can pursue an academic career, they can also work in the private sector, public institutions or consulting companies.


not available

Applied Course

There are no applied courses in the doctoral program.

Work Placement

There are no workplace training in the doctoral program.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Program students have the opportunity to be accepted to exchange programs such as Erasmus, Farabi and Mevlana.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates will have the chance to be directed towards an academic career as well as to work in private sector and public institutions or at consulting firms.
Update Time: 07.05.2024 04:57