
Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Communıcatıon

General Information

Department of Journalism trains students as future professional employees for media organizations. The department is one of the major sources of communication discipline, and of Communication Faculties. It aims to train communication experts (such as journalists, photojournalists, communication advisers, public relation specialist, editors, etc.). Journalism education and the department’s curriculum contribute to the democratization processes of society and helps people to internalize critical thinking. By including particular disciplines related to social science in its curriculum, such as sociology, cultural studies, politics, economics, psychology, linguistics, and so on, it provides a multidisciplinary approach. Thus, people who are graduates of this program develop a humanitarian understanding of communication discipline and practice those values in their professional lives. The Department approach to journalism education and communication issues within both national and international levels. Considering communication rights as one of the main human rights, it aims to train students who respect vocational ethical codes. The program is designed to provide a learning environment free from any form of discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, citizenship or immigration status, etc. Therefore, by taking a leading role to enhance the journalism/media field, and to develop new approaches and trends, the Department equips students with a universal understanding of scientific research, firstly in the journalism field, and also in the media/communication discipline. It aims to open communication problems/issues up for discussion on a scientific basis, offers solutions to those issues, and presents new communication techniques.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The Department of Journalism aims to train professionals for all types of press and broadcasting organisations (media). It aims to teach the organisational structure of press and broadcasting organisations in a good way and to create awareness of the political economy in such structures. Journalism is one of the basic branches of communication. The department, which makes important contributions to the democratisation of societies, aims to ensure that the communication mechanisms between the rulers and the ruled function correctly, fairly and equally, and trains communicators/media professionals with this in mind. The Department of Journalism, which considers human rights and ethical rules as priority values in the news/information production process, aims to provide a university education that adopts the teaching of these approaches to its students as a fundamental value. In addition, considering that societies are based on communicative actions, the Faculty has adopted the principle of providing a university education that aims to train media professionals who can operate this communication process in the best possible way, protect human dignity and do not cause any discrimination. Important note: Çukurova University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Journalism started its undergraduate education in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Kenan ATEŞGÖZ

ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff

Arş.Gör.Dr. Özgür ADAN


Journalism Department is a bachelor's degree program that aims to provide qualified employees to several sectors, particularly to national and international media organizations. By training specialists who are able to operate actual communication practices, it intends to provide particular contributions to reliable public communication processes. Together with its several practical instructions such as news gathering and writing, taking photography, graphic design, and layout, etc., it caters to qualified press employees that the media sector requires.


The Department aims to rely on an educational approach in line with the increasingly developing and changing world, trains students into well-equipped employees who are able to accord new communication techniques, and produce relevant content for these technologies. Planning to prepare students as media workers who use both traditional and new media, Journalism Department adopts a principle that maintains studies and projects to support peace and to able public communication.

Specific Admission Requirements

Students are accepted to this programme with the placement result certificate issued by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM).

Qualification Awarded

The students who have successfully accomplished this program get the bachelor’s degree of Journalism Department.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

A student who has completed at least 240 ECTS credits in 4-year faculties and colleges and has a GPA of at least 2.00 is deemed to have earned the right to graduate.

Access to Further Studies

The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to graduate studies in their own area or related area if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the regulations of “Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee”, which includes ALES (Academic Staff and Graduate Education Entrance Examination), general point of average, and the interview. In addition, they can continue their education in graduate programs in other universities by meeting the exam requirements of the university in their own field or related fields.


Within the scope of GZT404 Internship Evaluation course, starting from the fifth semester, an internship to be done in the Public and Private Sector and NGOs/universities for a total of 20 working days is compulsory for graduation. As per the law, the insurance fees of the interns are covered by the rectorate.

Applied Course

GZT405 Graduation Project I in the 7th semester and GZT406 Graduation Project II in the 8th semester are graduation project courses and these courses are applied courses. The programme also includes applied courses such as Digital Media Applications I-II, Journalism Applications, Journalism Applications and Coding, Basic Photography, Press Photography, Visual Communication Applications, Web Design, New Generation Journalism Applications.

Work Placement

The undergraduate programme used in the department focuses on applied methods such as internship, field research, graduation project. According to the graduation requirements of the department, students are required to complete their internships within the Internship Evaluation course and to successfully complete the Occupational Safety course.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Journalism students benefit from Erasmus and Mevlana exchange programs.

Employment Opportunities

Those who graduated from this department are able to work in all media organizations or in many positions such as civil servant, journalist, photo journalist, columnist, press adviser, communication manager, publication editor etc. Moreover be assigned in similar positions in particular organizations such as foundations, endowments and non-governmental organizations, and so on. Finds a job as researcher both in universities and scientific/academic foundations, and also works as academic staff in institutions of higher education. Since a multidisciplinary curriculum is followed in the department, works in all kind of areas in related to media, communication and public relation and so on. Be able to become a specialist commenter in the field of politics and economics, and takes over a counselling position in such kind of subjects.
Update Time: 19.02.2025 08:22