Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Doctorate Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

General Information

Students are required to complete 180-240 ECTS credits during their education in the program, 96 of which are thesis studies in the last four semesters and the rest of the Master's degree courses and seminars. In the last four semesters, they prepare a PhD thesis in the fields of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition in the fields of Soil Survey Mapping, Soil Genesis, Soil Chemistry, Soil Physics, Soil Mineralogy, Soil Biology, Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. During the program, the students must complete 180-240 ECTS, 96 ECTS of which from thesis. Having prepared a PhD Thesis in different areas of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition such as Soil Survey and Mapping, Soil Genesis, Soil Chemistry, Soil Physics, Soil Mineralogy, Soil Biology, Soil Fertility, and Plant Nutrition, the students graduate as a PhD fulfilling the requirements of either the governmental or private sectors or graduate to serve as a researcher in the academic world.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The Program aims to educate either "Certificated Agricultural Engineer" or "Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Specialist" at a PhD level to fulfil the expectations and needs of governmental and private sectors. One of the basic targets of the Program is to equip students with knowledge on classification of soils as well as enabling them to use this knowledge on ecological principles and conservation of them against environmental pollution and misuses, preparation of healthy and balanced plant nutrition programs suitable for our ecological system by carrying on soil fertility and plant nutritional studies, and sustainable utilization and management of soil, plant, and water resources, at PhD level. Moreover, laboratories and greenhouses at Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Department and research fields at Agricultural Research and Application Farm located next to the campus (The region Çukurova, one of the most fertile three plains in the world) provide students with better educational facilities.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 06.05.2024 10:52