İTSH741 Introduction to Islamic History

0 ECTS - 3-0 Duration (T+A)- . Semester- 0 National Credit


Code İTSH741
Name Introduction to Islamic History
Term 2024-2025 Academic Year
Semester . Semester
Duration (T+A) 3-0 (T-A) (17 Week)
National Credit 0 National Credit
Teaching Language Türkçe
Level Yüksek Lisans Dersi
Type Normal
Mode of study Yüz Yüze Öğretim
Catalog Information Coordinator

Course Goal / Objective

The aim is to provide sufficient knowledge about the political and social structure of the periods of Hulefâ-i Râşidîn, Umayyads and Andalusian Umayyads, to provide a perspective that can understand and evaluate the causes and consequences of the events that took place in these periods, and to ensure that the acquired knowledge can be used in contemporary issues.

Course Content

The political and social structure of the periods of the Rashidun Caliphate, the Umayyads and the Andalusian Umayyads after the death of the Prophet.

Course Precondition

No Prerequisites.


1. A.Cevdet Pasha, Kısas-ı Enbiya ve Tevarih-i Hulefa, Ankara 2000 2. Hüseyin Algül, Islamic History II-III, Istanbul 1991 3. Adem Apak, Islamic History in Outlines 2 Hulefa-I Rashidin Period, Ensar Neşriyat, Istanbul, 2007. 4. Adem Apak, Islamic History in Outlines 3 Umayyad Period, Ensar Neşriyat, Istanbul, 2008. 5. Adem Apak, Hz. State Politics of the Ottoman Era, Istanbul 2003 6. İrfan Aycan, On the Road to the Sultanate Muaviye b. Abi Sufyan, Ankara 2001 7. Mustafa Fayda, Hz. Non-Muslims in the Era of Omar, Istanbul 2006 8. Mustafa Günal, Hz. Domestic Politics in the Era of Ali, Istanbul 1998 9. Mehmet Özdemir, Andalusian Muslims – 1, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, Ankara, 1994.


1. H. Dursun Yıldız, Great History of Islam from its Birth to the Present II, Istanbul 1989.

Course Learning Outcomes

Order Course Learning Outcomes
LO01 To understand the place and importance of the periods of Hulefâ-i Râşidîn, Umayyads and Andalusian Umayyads in Islamic history.
LO02 Hz. Ability to recognize the atmosphere created in the Islamic world after the death of the Prophet.
LO03 Ability to analyze new developments that emerged after the Prophet.
LO04 To be able to compare the practices of each of the Caliphs and take their different practices on various subjects as examples.
LO05 To be able to compare the Caliphate and Sultanate periods.
LO06 To be able to explain the reasons for the emergence of different views and sects in Islamic history.
LO07 To be able to explain and interpret the different aspects of Hulefâ-i Râşidîn, Umayyads and Andalusian Umayyads.
LO08 o be able to establish similarities between some events that occur today and the events of the periods of the Caliphate, the Umayyads and the Andalusian Umayyads.
LO09 To be able to recognize classical and modern sources about the periods of Hulefâ-i Râşidîn, Umayyads and Andalusian Umayyads.
LO10 To be able to criticize contemporary approaches about the periods of Hulefâ-i Râşidîn, Umayyads and Andalusian Umayyads with scientific methods.

Relation with Program Learning Outcome

Order Type Program Learning Outcomes Level
PLO01 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı Recognizes and uses classical sources related to sub-disciplines of Islamic History and Arts Department. 4
PLO02 Yetkinlikler - Alana Özgü Yetkinlik Achieves the ability to follow contemporary domestic and foreign publications related to the field.
PLO03 Yetkinlikler - Alana Özgü Yetkinlik Can approach the problems related to the field with a critical mindset and perspective. 2
PLO04 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Gains the ability of re-interpreting and reproducing the knowledge which is learnt during the MA program, 1
PLO05 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı Gains the ability of forming the topic in academic studies and of composing it in a logical framework, 2
PLO06 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Gains the ability of benefiting from technological facilities (press, visual, audio, etc ) for accessing and using the academic studies during the MA program,
PLO07 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Gains the ability of keeping scientific, cultural and moral values in these academic studies and of internalizing them, 2
PLO08 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Be open to interdisciplinary approaches by making use of theological sciences and other branches of science. 3
PLO09 Yetkinlikler - İletişim ve Sosyal Yetkinlik Gains the ability to carry out a work that requires expertise in the field of Islamic history and arts independently and as a team member. 2
PLO10 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Understands that Islamic culture and civilization is a whole with science, history, art, music and literature. 2
PLO11 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği The sub-disciplines of the Department of Islamic History Arts have common knowledge and competencies in the fields of Islamic History, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Turkish-Islamic Arts and Turkish Religious Music. 3
PLO12 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Uses the skills of working with an individual team in national and international projects related to her field. 1
PLO13 Yetkinlikler - Alana Özgü Yetkinlik Learns the basic knowledge and approaches related to the sub-disciplines of the Department of Islamic History and Arts. 2
PLO14 Yetkinlikler - İletişim ve Sosyal Yetkinlik continues its scientific activities in accordance with ethical rules. 1

Week Plan

Week Topic Preparation Methods
1 The concepts of caliph and caliphate and the outline history of the caliphate from its beginning. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Bireysel Çalışma
2 Election of Abu Bakr as caliph, sending of Usama's Army, reasons and suppression of abstinence and rebellion movements. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Bireysel Çalışma
3 Beginning of expeditions on the lands inhabited by Arabs under the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanids. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
4 Hz. Omar's becoming caliph, military activities on the Iranian front (Bridge, Kadisiye and Nihavend Wars) Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
5 Conquest movements towards Syria, Jazira and Egypt during the reign of Omar. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
6 State administration and management during the Umar period Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
7 Council formation and Osman's election as caliph. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Beyin Fırtınası
8 Mid-Term Exam Homework on the topics covered. Ölçme Yöntemleri:
9 Ottoman period conquests (beginning of the conquests of Ifrikiya, conquest of Cyprus and completion of the conquest of Khorasan) Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Beyin Fırtınası
10 Osman's actions, the points he was criticized for and the incidents of discord. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
11 Hz. Ali's election as caliph and internal turmoil: Battles of Cemel and Siffin. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Beyin Fırtınası
12 The referee incident, the outsiders and Martyrdom of Ali Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Beyin Fırtınası
13 The transformation of the Caliphate into a sultanate and the establishment of the Umayyads. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap
14 Conquest movements during the Umayyad period, civil unrest during the Umayyad period and the collapse of the Umayyads Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap
15 The establishment and disintegration of the Andalusian Umayyad State and the complete expulsion of Muslims from Andalusia. Document preparation Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
16 Term Exams Studying for subjects until the end of the year exams. Ölçme Yöntemleri:
Yazılı Sınav
17 Term Exams Studying for subjects until the end of the year exams. Ölçme Yöntemleri:
Yazılı Sınav

Student Workload - ECTS

Works Number Time (Hour) Workload (Hour)
Course Related Works
Class Time (Exam weeks are excluded) 14 0 0
Out of Class Study (Preliminary Work, Practice) 14 0 0
Assesment Related Works
Homeworks, Projects, Others 0 0 0
Mid-term Exams (Written, Oral, etc.) 0 0 0
Final Exam 0 0 0
Total Workload (Hour) 0
Total Workload / 25 (h) ,00

Update Time: 01.10.2024 03:33