General Information
In the Department of Textile and Fashion Design, which has started education since 2002, courses on weaving, printing and clothing design are given in line with design principles, creativity and originality criteria during the 4-year education period. The Textile Design Department aims to train leading designers who know textile techniques and materials for the textile, ready-made clothing and fashion industry, follow the agenda, and are creative and can compete in the national and international arena. Education is supported by courses on textile and clothing design, as well as artistic-cultural, textile techniques and computer aided design courses. The 40 working days compulsory internship application allows students to get to know the textile and fashion industry closely. Education in the department in cooperation with 7 European universities within the framework of the Erasmus student exchange program; It is supported by technical trips, seminars and exhibitions.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
4 Year - 240 ECTS
Feature & Definition
It is a seventy-five percent applied and twenty-five percent theoretical education system that provides education in the field of art and design. The scope of the courses includes workshop application, technical courses, design courses, and a training program that requires face-to-face and one-to-one training supported by theoretical courses. They can work as designers and collection designers in the sector.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
The aim of the program is to train textile and fashion designers who can follow the needs of the industry in textile surface design and fashion design in the field of art and design, and who can support branding.
Students graduating from this department, which is in the triangle of art, design and industry, will be able to learn about weaving design, print design, knitting design, fashion design, clothing design, and apparel in the sector; It is aimed to take place in fashion houses, brand design in brands, textile factories as a designer and collection designer.
Specific Admission Requirements
Students in this program must have taken the TYT exam administered by the Measurement Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) and must have calculated their points through the system. Students can enroll in the department, provided that they are successful in the first and second stages of the Special Talent Examination held by the Faculty of Fine Arts and are on the main list.
Qualification Awarded
Textile and Fashion Design
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
Provided that 70% of the courses in the 8-semester curriculum are compulsory and 30% of the elective courses, the student has taken a total of 240 ECTS courses and passed successfully, has completed 2x20 working days internship and has a minimum GPA of 2.00 ( cumulative grade point average).
Access to Further Studies
Students who successfully complete their undergraduate education in this program can continue their education in their own field or in related fields as a result of the evaluation of ALES, Undergraduate Graduation GPA and interview exam together within the framework of "C.U. Graduate Education and Teaching Regulations".
In order for students to complete the applied parts of the theoretical courses; In order to see the operation in the factory, company, boutique, fashion house and fashion brand sectors, to strengthen their competencies in the field and to get job opportunities by establishing sectoral connections, there is an obligation to do two 20 working days internships, which are expected to be done as a condition for obtaining a diploma.
Applied Course
Applied courses are carried out in workshops and in the form of project development. It is expected that the aesthetic, design and artistic knowledge acquired in the theoretical courses is combined with computer-aided design knowledge, transforming the design into a visual with drawing and then applying it in three dimensions.
Work Placement
On-the-job training is not compulsory. However, apart from the compulsory factory internships, the student can work as an intern in as many companies as he/she wishes during his/her education life, provided that it is in the summer period.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
YOK offered opportunities related to Erasmus, Mevlana, Farabi and horizontal transfer. Double major and minor programs are also available in our department.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates of this program; In design centers that produce in the field of printing, weaving or clothing, as designer and designer assistant in companies that design for export and domestic market, as customer representative, in brand creation and fashion shoots, styling specialist, haute couture designer in fashion houses, in companies such as mango supervising They can work as a visual designer and collection production follow-up and purchasing manager in showcase design.