ILEM717 Theories and Critical Approaches of Public Relations

6 ECTS - 3-0 Duration (T+A)- . Semester- 3 National Credit


Code ILEM717
Name Theories and Critical Approaches of Public Relations
Term 2024-2025 Academic Year
Semester . Semester
Duration (T+A) 3-0 (T-A) (17 Week)
National Credit 3 National Credit
Teaching Language Türkçe
Level Yüksek Lisans Dersi
Type Normal
Mode of study Yüz Yüze Öğretim
Catalog Information Coordinator Dr. Öğr. Üyesi GÜLNUR KAPLAN ESEN

Course Goal / Objective

Objectives of this course are to teach models of public relations and critical approaches. Concept of public relations is rooted in mainstream understanding. The critical approach has recently been included in the public relations literature. In this course differences of mainstream public relations and critical approaches of public relations will be examined comparatively. Furthermore, how critical understanding affects the way of doing business, knowledge, principles, ethics models, ways of organizing of public relations will be examined and gaining a critical perspective with international research and practices is aimed.

Course Content

Definitions of public relations and different writings of public relations will be assessed comparatively. Various models of public relations that have been developed from the mid-1970's to the present day will be introduced. Within the scope of the course; James E. Grunig's Four-Type Model, J. Neumann and P. Murphy's Game Theory, Franz Ronneberger's Social-Promotion Approach, Franz Ronneberger and Manfred Rühl's Interdisciplinary Public Relations Theory and Niklas Luhmann's System Theory models will be discussed. Then public relations models that based on critical approach, theories that developed in other disciplines and theories giving directions to public relations will be evaluated. Propaganda, manufacturing consent, popular cultural products and the relationship between gender and public relations will be evaluated and sociodrama and public relations will be examined. The qualitative methods used in public relations will be examined and the discourse analysis of the texts used in public relations campaigns will be discussed and the meaning of the messages will be discussed. The theoretical and practical ethical models which are prominent in public relations will be examined and international public relations practices will be discussed with a critical approach.

Course Precondition



L'Etang, J. & Pieczka, M. (2002). Halkla İlişkilerde Eleştirel Yaklaşımlar. Ankara: Vadi. / Grunig, J. E. & White, J. (2005). Halkla İlişkiler Kuram ve Uygulamasında Dünya Görüşlerinin Etkisi. James E. Grunig (Ed.), Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmelik içinde (s. 43-78), Elif Özsayar (Çev.), İstanbul: Rota. / Güz, H. & Yıldırım Becerikli, S. (der.) (2004) Halkla İlişkilerde Seçme Yazılar: Alana İlişkin Bir Derleme. Ankara: Alban. / Yıldırım Becerikli, Sema (2008). ...Ve Halkla İlişkiler: Şeytanın Avukatlığından Arabuluculuğa; Bir Disiplinin Eleştirel Analizi. Ankara: Karınca. / Özdemir, B. P. & Aktaş Yamanoğlu, M. & Gençtürk Hızal, G. S. (2013). Türkiye'de Halkla İlişkiler Tarihi: Kurumsallaşma Yılları 1960-1980. Ankara: De-Ki. / Becerikli, S. (2011). Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklamın Anatomisi: Eleştirel Bir Kavrayış. Ankara: Ütopya. / Artan Özoran, B. (2018). Postmodern Kültür ve Halkla İlişkiler: Kampanyalar Üzerine Bir Analiz (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Halka İlişkiler ve Tanıtı A.B.D., Ankara.


Related articles and electronic resources

Course Learning Outcomes

Order Course Learning Outcomes
LO01 Critically interpret public relations definitions.
LO02 Discuss the differences between the articles about the history of public relations.
LO03 Comprehends the models of public relations and analyzes them in the field of application.
LO04 Discusses the effects of theories developed in sociology, psychology, political science and communication on public relations.
LO05 Conducts researches in the context of methods used in public relations research.
LO06 Critically analyze public relations messages and different types of public relations.
LO07 Examines the form of discourse in public relations campaigns in terms of gender, class and popular culture.
LO08 Analyzes theoretical and practical ethical models in public relations.
LO09 Discuss international public relations practices.
LO10 Makes a critical study on public relations and produces a scientific study.

Relation with Program Learning Outcome

Order Type Program Learning Outcomes Level
PLO01 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Have the conceptual and theoretical competence to explain the phenomena in Communication Studies disciplines. 4
PLO02 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Have sufficient knowledge about the basic conceptual approaches used in the field of social sciences.
PLO03 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal He/she has knowledge of basic methodological approaches, methods, research techniques and their application and evaluation in communication and media studies.
PLO04 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı Identify local, national and international problems in the field of Communication Studies. 5
PLO05 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı Selects data collection and analysis techniques within the appropriate methodologies and applies empirical studies in order to solve these problems,
PLO06 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği She /he reports a social research she designed in the field of communication studies and turns it into original works in accordance with academic rules.
PLO07 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Gains the ability to analyze and synthesize the phenomena in the field of social sciences in an interdisciplinary context. 3
PLO08 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Leads and works effectively individually and/or in a team by taking responsibility. .
PLO09 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği She/he carryes her/his education to the next level of education. 2
PLO10 Yetkinlikler - İletişim ve Sosyal Yetkinlik He/she transfers his/her knowledge of the field in an effective and systematic way, both verbally and in writing. 4
PLO11 Yetkinlikler - Alana Özgü Yetkinlik Recognizes and applies social, scientific and professional ethical values. 5
PLO12 Yetkinlikler - Alana Özgü Yetkinlik Develops critical thinking skills. 5

Week Plan

Week Topic Preparation Methods
1 Critical evaluation of the definitions in public relations. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
2 Examination of the different literature of the history of public relations and its comparative analysis (Pimlott, Tedlow, Smythe, Olasky). Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
3 Public Relations models: James E. Grunig's Four-Type Model, J. Neumann and P. Murphy's Game Theory, Franz Ronneberger's Social-Promotion Approach, Franz Ronneberger and Manfred Rühl's Interdisciplinary Public Relations Theory and Niklas Luhmann's System Theory. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
4 Theories of public relations that is based for critical approach and their effect on models and public relations studies. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
5 Examination of theories developed in the fields of sociology, psychology, political science, communication that direct public relations models. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
6 To understand the relationship between propaganda and the manufacturing consent. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
7 General review and evaluation of the topics covered. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
8 Mid-Term Exam Taught course subjects Ölçme Yöntemleri:
Yazılı Sınav
9 Popular culture and public relations. Gender and public relations. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
10 Shift in qualitative research methods and qualitative research methods used in public relations. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
11 Discourse analysis of the texts used in Public Relations campaigns. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
12 Examining the meaning of the public relations messages through examples. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
13 Sociodrama and Public Relations. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
14 The theoretical models of public relations ethics and examination of models developed for practical ethics. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
15 Critical evaluation of international public relations practices. Reading of literature Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
16 Term Exams Taught course subjects Ölçme Yöntemleri:
Yazılı Sınav, Ödev
17 Term Exams Taught course subjects Ölçme Yöntemleri:
Yazılı Sınav, Ödev

Student Workload - ECTS

Works Number Time (Hour) Workload (Hour)
Course Related Works
Class Time (Exam weeks are excluded) 14 3 42
Out of Class Study (Preliminary Work, Practice) 14 5 70
Assesment Related Works
Homeworks, Projects, Others 0 0 0
Mid-term Exams (Written, Oral, etc.) 1 15 15
Final Exam 1 30 30
Total Workload (Hour) 157
Total Workload / 25 (h) 6,28

Update Time: 10.05.2024 03:17