Computer Engineering

Doctorate Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

General Information

The main focus areas of CU Computer Engineering master degree program are artificial intelligence, software, hardware, computer network, and control. Master´s degree in Computer Engineering is awarded to students who successfully complete this program. In order to graduate, students must successfully complete a thesis study in addition to seven elective courses and a seminar.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

In addition to classrooms and laboratories located in its own building, Ç.Ü. Computer Engineering Department is located in the Mediterranean as well as the Çukurova region´s largest city. In this respect, Ç. Ü. Computer Engineering Department has an important role for transfering the advanced technology to the region. Also the department ,at both undergraduate and post-graduate training is the only computer engineering department in that region. In addition to the aforementioned capabilities of the department, thanks to the newly launched industrial cooperation the projects of students contribute to the region, also the job oppurtunities for graduates are provided.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



Conducting an education program with the aim of to educate the students in the best way by combining the theory and practice as contemporary engineers who may found a qualified job in national or international organizations or academic area of information technology; analyze the operation of an existing system, find unique and creative solutions by identifying the problems, design and make projects for the new system, to make individual and team work to advance in working life, to express himself verbally and in writing, to have advanced foreign language skills to follow written sources, to open the innovation and self-confidence, as well as who are sensitive to the ages’ problem and with this sensitivity who are fulfilling the job responsibilities, who are able to act in accordance with ethically with acquiring the title of computer engineering based on a solid infrastructure of basic and engineering sciences.


Training modern engineers, who can serve as computer engineering profession equipped with the knowledge and skills and who are self-development by following the developments in the field, suitable for team work, questioning and give importance to the ethical values, in all national and international areas.

Specific Admission Requirements

Students are accepted as a result of the evaluation within the framework of the Ç.Ü. Regulation on Graduate Education.

Qualification Awarded

Students who have successfully completed the program will be given a Ph. D. of COMPUTER ENGINEERING.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

21 ECTS 7 courses and a thesis must be successfully completed

Access to Further Studies

can be promoted Lecturers and assistant professors


internship is unavailable

Applied Course

applied lecture is unavailable

Work Placement

Training for work is unavailable

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Student Exchange Program is unavailable

Employment Opportunities

Software and computer sectors as engineer
Update Time: 16.05.2023 09:33