Chemistry (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

General Information

Çukurova University Science Department Institute has begun education at 1982-1983 academic year to give Graduate education at Agriculture, Science and Engineering fields under the framework of law no 2547. Education continues at 30 Departments of 4 Faculty (art and science, engineering-architecture, agriculture and seafood). Çukurova University Department of Chemistry educates master students who graduated from chemistry department or from different disciplines can carry out advanced research studies in every field of chemistry after that program they are able to work in many industrial and academic fields such as pharmacology, textile, medicine and food.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The programme aims to educate self confident individuals fully equipped with contemporary knowledge and technology. The programme also aims to train individuals who can express themselves on international platforms and represent their country in the best way.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



The aim of this programme is to educate scientists in one of the major disciplines in chemistry (analytical, inorganic, biochemistry, physical chemistry and organic) who can organize and conduct scientific research studies on a particular topic.


The aim of the department is to educate expert chemists who know how to reach the knowledge in academic and industrial fields and have the ability to interpret, to be sensitive to the environment and to express themselves with the sufficient knowledge and knowledge about the devices and methods.

Specific Admission Requirements

The students can apply to this program providing ALES score, grade point averages and interview in accordance with the regulations of “Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee” and can pursue their education in their or in related fields.

Qualification Awarded

The students who have successfully accomplished this program gain the master’s degree of Chemistry.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

In order to graduate from this program, it is necessary to take 120 ECTS courses, to be successful in all courses and to be successful in the defense of the master's thesis.

Access to Further Studies

The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to obtain a PhD degree in their or related fields if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the “Regulations of Çukurova University Graduate Studies”, which includes a required ALES score and an adequate English language proficiency.


There is no internship course in this program.

Applied Course

There are no applied courses in this program.

Work Placement

There is no on-the-job training in this program.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

There are Erasmus, Farabi and Mevlana programs.

Employment Opportunities

Research and Development Centers, Research Centers, Public and Private Sector
Update Time: 08.05.2023 11:42