Agricultural Structures and Irrigation (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

General Information

This programme studies land and water resources for sustainable use, development and reclaim in a very important place in agricultural activities. The program offers education, training and research about irrigation, drainage, land reclamation, agricultural construction, agricultural hydrology, soil and water conservation engineering, land consolidation, rural settlement planning. Organising courses and seminars for technical staff working in agricultural enterprises is a major part of the work of the program. Seven Professors, 2 Assistant Professors, 4 Research Assistants are currently working in the program.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Agricultural Structures and Irrigation master’s programme studies can be best described as to get benefit from soil and water resources by economic and efficient methods and to conserve them together with development activities in agricultural operations, to take some measures in order to develop agricultural operations in terms of economical and physical aspects in the long term. Education, research and extension issues related with farm structures and irrigation studies have been conducted at the Agricultural Faculty of all the Universities in Turkey. In other words, this progrmme is in charge of providing education and conducting research in the issues of irrigation, drainage, end soil reclamation, agricultural structures and hydrology, soil and water conservation engineering, rural settlement and land consolidation , all of which play very important role in agriculture on the proper use of soil and water resources, their development and protection, and reclamation where needed. Department has soil and water analysis laboratory, automatic monitoring station, two research greenhouses and weighing lysimeter.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 18.11.2022 10:07