Turkish Language and Literature (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Socıal Scıences

General Information

Department of Turkish Language and Literature, at the end of 1982, Ankara University Faculty of Language, History and Geography faculty member Prof.Dr. It was established when Mine Mengi came to Çukurova University in accordance with Article 40-b of the Higher Education Law No. 2547. During its establishment, the department had two main branches of science, Turkish Language and Turkish Literature. With the increase in the number of staff, the academic structure of the department has improved, the departments have been rearranged considering the fields of study and the number of departments has reached six. The department, which started accepting students in 1986, four years after its establishment, had its first graduates in 1988.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

At the establishment of the program, there were two main branches of science, Turkish Language and Turkish Literature. With the increase in the number of staff, the academic structure of the department has improved and the departments have been rearranged considering the fields of study and the number of departments has reached six. The department, which started accepting students in 1986, four years after its establishment, had its first graduates in 1988. In order to graduate from the program, it is necessary to meet the conditions of taking 120 ECTS, 21 credits and 7 courses.

Mode of Study

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Update Time: 02.05.2023 02:43