
Doctorate Degree - Instıtute Of Socıal Scıences

General Information

The Department of Economics offers both undergraduate (B.A) and graduate (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) degrees in economics. The modern analytical and quantitative methods of economics are emphasized, not merely as tools but as part of an overall approach to train students who are organised, independent and have the ability of critical thinking. The undergraduate program offers a wide range of courses in all fields of economics and the students graduate with a very strong overall background in economics. For the majority of our graduates who go on to professional careers in the private and public sector, the economics education they receive at Çukurova University constitutes a very solid base to develop more applied skills. Those who go on to graduate school, both in Turkey and abroad, have been successful with their analytical background. The department has three subdivisions namely Economic Theory and History, Economic Development and International Economics, Economic Policy. All these subdivisions have their own research areas to do postgraduate education and national and international research projects.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The purpose of this program is to develop the knowledge of the individuals who received undergraduate education in the field of economic theory, the capacity of doing original scientific research and improve their practical skills in different academic disciplines (engineering, business, economics, etc.).

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi TOLGA KABAŞ

Internship Coordinator

Orientation Staff



The students who have successfully accomplished this program gain the master’s degree of Economics.


Graduates have different opportunities to work in public and private sectors. While they are able to work in public and private sectors just like the graduates of the other departments of the faculty, they can also work in the divisions of companies like research and planning, due to the analysis skills they have obtained. Graduates have the opportunity to be employed in public corporations like Turkish Statistical Institute, Ministry of Development, Undersecretariat of Treasury, Central Bank of Turkey, as well as in banking and finance sectors and also in marketing research firms that are doing research in the fields including public and marketing research.

Specific Admission Requirements

The students can apply to this program providing ALES score, grade point averages and interview in accordance with the regulations of “Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee” and can pursue their education in their or in related fields.

Qualification Awarded

Phd in Economics

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

Students must not fail the compulsory and elective courses in their curriculum, provide a total of 240 ECTS, complete the thesis study and complete the academic average requirement specified in the Çukurova University graduate regulation.

Access to Further Studies

It is possible to obtain the title of Associate Professor after the doctorate education.


There is no internship requirement.

Applied Course

There are no applied courses for this programme.

Work Placement

There is no workplace training for this programme.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

National and international exchange activities of our university are carried out by the International Academic Relations Unit. Our students, lecturers and administrative staff benefit from the opportunities of mobility every year, thanks to the opportunities offered by the Bilateral-Multiple Relations, Erasmus, Mevlana and Farabi Coordinatorships within the unit.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates of the Ph.D. program can work in various positions in international institutions, public and private sector institutions as well as in the academic career.
Update Time: 07.05.2024 02:39