Histology & Embryology (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Medıcal Scıences

General Information

Master's program; Graduates of the Biology and Molecular Biology Department of the faculties and candidates who have a bachelor's degree approved by the Academic Board of the Department are accepted. Program; The first 2 semesters include compulsory and elective courses aimed at gaining postgraduate knowledge and skills in the field of Histology and Embryology, and the thesis preparation period in the 3rd and 4th semesters.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

In Cukurova University Institute of Health Sciences, Histology and Embryology Master program, students gain the necessary knowledge and skills at the master level, carry out to project related to the field as an individual or as a team member, present the current developments in his/her field and his/ her studies orally and in writing. Also train scientists who are able to identify their needs and resources and pay attention to ethical rules in their studies. In this context, advanced knowledge and skills training is given to master students in the fields of microscopic structures of cells, tissues and organs, their functional relations, human development and assisted reproductive techniques, cell culture, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 17.05.2024 09:41