Radio, Television and Cinema (without Thesis) (Evening Education)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Socıal Scıences

General Information

Radio, Television and Cinema Non-Thesis Master's Program includes Radio and Television, Information and Information Technologies, Photography and Graphics, Cinema, Photography and Graphics, Cinema disciplines under the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema at Çukurova University Faculty of Communication.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

1 Year - 60 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The main features of the Radio, Television and Cinema Non-Thesis Master's Program are that graduate students in Radio and Television, Information and Information Technologies, Photography and Graphics, Cinema disciplines adhere to ethical rules in academic terms, apply scientific research methods in their studies and produce studies with international competencies in this direction.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Süleyman Kıvanç TÜRKGELDİ

Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator

Öğr. Gör. Özge Deniz ÖZKER

Orientation Staff

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Süleyman Kıvanç TÜRKGELDİ


Radio, Television and Cinema Non-Thesis Master's Program aims to provide a scientific specialization in the field of radio, television and cinema, based on scientific principles and ethical values, and to provide theoretical knowledge about radio, television and cinema to students who plan a career in this field.


Radio, Television and Cinema Non-Thesis Master's Program aims to transfer the theoretical knowledge and experience in the field to students who want to enrich/increase their professional expertise in line with scientific research methods and scientific ethics.

Specific Admission Requirements

1) To have a bachelor's degree for student admission to the non-thesis master's program, 2) In non-thesis master's programs, 50% of the undergraduate graduation grade is calculated by taking 50% of the average of the written and / or interview exam and / or study file / application file review result. 3) Foreign language requirement is not required. 4) In the evaluation of candidates applying for master's programs; the candidate's undergraduate grade point average and a written and / or interview exam and / or study file / application file review are taken as basis. 5) In non-thesis master's programs, 50% of the undergraduate graduation grade, written and/or interview exam and/or study file/application file is calculated by taking 50% of the average of the examination result. The interview exam can also be conducted using online technologies. 6) Candidates with a master's entrance score of 65 or more are accepted to master's programs within the quota according to the score order.

Qualification Awarded

Students who successfully complete the program are entitled to receive a Master's Degree without Thesis.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

Radio, Television and Cinema Non-Thesis Master's Program is planned for two semesters. The curriculum consists of at least 9 courses and a Term Project course with a total of 30 credits and not less than 60 ECTS. At most three of the courses to be taken by the student, undergraduate can be selected from undergraduate courses, provided that they have not been taken during their education.

Access to Further Studies

There is no upper tier after graduation.


There is no internship course

Applied Course

There are no practical courses.

Work Placement

There is no workplace training.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

There is no Erasmus Exchange Program.

Employment Opportunities

Students who successfully complete the program can work in various private and public institutions in the field of radio, television and cinema.
Update Time: 09.10.2022 07:10