Büro Yönetimi ve Yönetici Asistanlığı

Associate Degree - Ceyhan Vocatıonal School

General Information

Since 1982, this programme is giving education with the names of Office Management and Secretary, Office Management and Managerial Secretary and as last Office Management and Executive Assistantship. Every year 120 students (60 for formal education and 60 for evening education) are taken for this programme.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

A program aimed to bring up qualifed intermediate staff, equipped with every kind of professional knowledge and ready to take duty in office activities, contribute to the administrators in office works in both state institutions and organizations and private sector entities.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department

Öğr. Gör. Dr. ÜNAL BALCI

ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator

Öğr. Gör. Dr. ÜNAL BALCI

Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



At all levels of public and private enterprises to provide management support to the managers located, Objectives of the Company and will help achieve their goals in the points, Office to carry out management operations, The technical and scientific methods of human-machine interaction of various office equipment and supplies, movement analysis, to ensure the efficient use of the concept of integrating the business survey data, You will share this information with work colleagues, Interoffice will provide external communication, Office within the authority to use their savings on management decision making at the point of combining responsibilities, Meetings, travel, appointments to carry out the organization, the manager responsible for all tasks relating to the management of activities, Executive Assistant to the management team is in place which aims to educate.


The vision of the Office of Management and Executive Assistance Program; The work represented will be responsible for everything , will not call the manager who has a hardware , globalization and greatly changed depending on the digitalization of the developing world in renewing itself, followers and practitioners of information technology, public / need the services of the private sector to provide knowledgeable and know about Modern Office Management that assistant manager of the importance and indispensability of which can be applied to further increase, it is to ensure the modernization program with compliance with the world standards. Also on the program, in the framework of requirements of the era of continuous learning and work as part of a growing organization and in this direction , our country needs trained heard and to fill the skilled labor gap is to progress in philosophy to train qualified people in appropriate quality and nature of the requirements of the age.

Specific Admission Requirements

Students are admitted with a central exam conducted by the Office Management and Executive Assistant Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (OSYM). Students are admitted to the program with TYT score type and 2-year associate degree education is given. Students who choose with their TYT score are placed in the program they prefer with the Central Placement made by OSYM according to their success ranking.

Qualification Awarded

Graduates who successfully complete the program by fulfilling all the requirements receive the "Associate Degree Diploma in Office Management and Executive Assistant".

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

Students graduate from this program by completing 120 ECTS/ECTS credits. In order to graduate, students must successfully complete all of the courses available in the program and obtain a grade point average of at least 2.0 out of 4.00. In addition, students must successfully complete their 30-day professional internship. The graduate student is awarded an Associate Degree in Office Management and Executive Assistant.

Access to Further Studies

Associate Degree graduates admission to undergraduate programs and orientation programs, published in the Official Gazette No. 24676 dated 02.19.2002, Vocational Schools and Open Education Graduates of Associate Degree Programs Undergraduate Education in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the continuation of the respective boards of directors of the units is made. Graduates of the programme have the opportunity to transfer to undergraduate programmes of related fields and get bachelors degree. Vertical transfer is possible upon success in Vertical Transfer Examination (DGS) conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM). Graduates can transfer vertically their education in 4 year departments of Public Relations, Business information management, Advertising and Public Relations, Management of Health Institutions and Management Information Systems.


Internship is a practical and applied education that students will do in the relevant sector. Internships will be held on the dates announced by the School Directorate, and the duration of the internship cannot be less than 30 working days depending on the nature of the program. It is appropriate to do the internship during the summer break at the end of the first year. Students in public institutions and private sector can do their internship.

Applied Course

Within the scope of the program, there are courses that include applications such as Computer Office Programs, Effective and Beautiful Speaking, Accounting, Filing and Archiving, Use of Technology, Computer Accounting Software.

Work Placement

There is no work-based learning activity other than internship.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

There are no Double Major/Minor/Joint Program opportunities.

Employment Opportunities

The graduates of the programme with wide employment choices have the opportunity to work both in public and private sector as executive assistant and bureau manager.
Update Time: 13.05.2024 09:21