Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Economıcs And Admınıstratıve Scıences

General Information

The Department of Economics offers both undergraduate (B.A) and graduate (M.S and Ph.D.) degrees in economics. The modern analytical and quantitative methods of economics are emphasized, not merely as tools but as part of an overall approach to train students in sytematic and independent critical thinking. The undergarduate program offers a wide range of courses in all fields of economics and the students graduate with a very strong overall background in economics. For the majority of our graduates who go on to professional careers in the private and public sector, the economics education they receive at Çukurova University constitutes a very solid base to develop more applied skills. Those who go on with graduate programmes, both in Turkey and abroad, have been successful with their analytical background. The department has three subdivisions namely Economic Theory and History, Economic Development and International Economics, Economic Policy. All these subdivisions have their own research areas covering postgraduate education and national and international research projects.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The aim of this programme is training individuals supported by scientific research methods within the scope of economics and to train individuals to use scarce resources in the most effective manner. In addition, educating graduates who are able to produce creative solutions to solve the problems and to train qualified individuals appointed to meet the needs of modern life.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 02.05.2023 03:22