Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Economıcs And Admınıstratıve Scıences

General Information

The aim of the undergraduate programme of the department of Business Administration is to train qualified middle and senior managers, working either for public or private sector institutions. In this context, the program helps to gain the abilities of finding solutions to the problems of the firms; as well as improving the skills to have an analytical perspective and to develop entrepreneurial qualities.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

This program helps to gain the skills and awareness on the basic subjects of business management and theoretical models by using quantitative and statistical methods to analyze events, interpret, develop and implement solutions to show high performance in team work, to communicate effectively, and to have business ethics and social responsibility.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 21.11.2022 03:38