Organik Tarım

Associate Degree - Yumurtalık Vocatıonal School

General Information

The Organic Agriculture Program is a program that trains "Organic Agricultural Technicians" who can understand and apply the organic farming production principles and philosophy, which is a reflection of the sustainability principle in agriculture. Although agricultural production activities are an indispensable economic activity for the protection and continuation of human existence, since the natural balance is not observed in the conduct of these activities, the nature of agricultural production can no longer meet our needs, and even it has begun to present a risk at a level that will harm human existence. At this stage, the production principles and philosophy that preserves the characteristics of the resources (nature) we use to meet our needs in every field, that is, sustainable economic activities were needed and agricultural activities were reconsidered in this sense. As a result, Organic Agriculture Production Method, which is production systems that are friendly to nature and human beings, has begun to be adopted.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The Organic Agriculture Program is a program that educates its students on the "Organic Agriculture Production Principles and Philosophy", which are production systems that are friendly to nature, living beings and people, with theoretical and applied training and earn them the title of "Organic Agricultural Technician". Each year, 26 students are enrolled in the program. Within the scope of the program, to train qualified technical staff with sufficient knowledge and practice about organic plant and animal production method, quality control of the products produced, preservation and preparation for the market.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 19.11.2022 12:04