General Information
The history of the Classroom Education Department is based on Adana Education Institute. The Institute became the Department of Classroom Teaching in 1992 in the form of a 4-year program. When the Primary Education Department was established in 1997, the program was linked to this department. In 2018, with the work of updating the Teacher Training Undergraduate Programs of YÖK, the Department of Basic Education was renamed as Classroom Education Department. The Classroom Teaching program received its first undergraduate students in 1992, and it first graduated in the 1996-1997 academic year. In our department, a second education program was opened in 1997, and in 2011, students were admitted to the program for the last time. Classroom Education Department has undergraduate programs since 1992-1993 academic year, graduate programs since 2013-2014 and doctorate programs since 2018.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
4 Year - 240 ECTS
Feature & Definition
Classroom Education Undergraduate Program: It is a program consisting of theoretical and applied courses and includes a total of 240 ECTS. 52 students were admitted to the program in the 2021-2022 academic year with the Equal Weight (EA) score type. The base score of the program is 327,51656. Graduates are certified as TYÇÇ Level 6, EQF-LLL Level 6, QF-EHEA Level 1.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
The main purpose of the Primary Education Program is to train teachers who develop positive attitudes towards teaching and have professional skills, are sensitive to people, society and nature, understand their place and role in social and educational development, perceive continuous development as a way of life, and adopt scientific thinking and working style. They are teachers who are adoptive, consider public benefits, and can think creatively and critically.
Our department, which gave its first graduates in the 1996-1997 academic year, gave its twenty-fifth graduates in the 2020-2021 academic year. Our department, with its nearly thirty years of experience and sufficient number of qualified teaching staff, aims to provide qualified education especially for the field of profession and to prepare its graduates for different employment areas. In line with this goal and within the framework of ethical principles, it fulfills its responsibility in training classroom teachers with its existing resources and opportunities.
Specific Admission Requirements
In order for students to be placed in the classroom teaching program, they must have received sufficient points from the Higher Education Institutions Examination. Students were accepted to the program with the TM-2 score type obtained from the Higher Education Entrance Exam and Undergraduate Placement Exams held by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) until 2018. Due to the change in the university entrance exams in 2018, the admission of students to this program is made according to the scores obtained from the same score type (EA) in the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) and Field Proficiency Test (AYT) exams.
Qualification Awarded
Undergraduate, Primary School Teacher
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
To be successful in this program, students are required to successfully complete all the courses to meet a minimum of 240 ECTS credit requirement and have a minimum of GPA of 2.00/4.00.
Access to Further Studies
Students who graduate from the program can continue their education with graduate studies.
Two semesters, in public primary schools
Applied Course
Teaching Practice-I and Teaching Practice-II courses within the scope of the program are carried out in schools affiliated to the National Education within the scope of the cooperation established with the ministry.
Work Placement
Teaching Practice-I and Teaching Practice-II are courses with this feature.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
Double major program; It is a program that enables students who are enrolled in any undergraduate program and meet the necessary conditions to obtain a second undergraduate diploma by co-executing another undergraduate program that is close to their own undergraduate program in terms of subject, upon the request of the relevant department/department, the recommendation of the relevant unit board and the decision of the Senate. The principles regarding the double major are determined by the Senate. Minor program; The request of the relevant department/department is determined by the proposal of the relevant unit board and the decision of the Senate and is carried out with the cooperation of the department/department. Minor program; It is a program that allows students who are enrolled in any undergraduate program, who meet the necessary conditions, to follow a certificate-oriented minor program in addition to their undergraduate program. A minor program does not mean a separate undergraduate program. The principles regarding the minor branch are determined by the Senate.
Employment Opportunities
Teacher candidates who successfully complete the program can be employed as "Classroom Teacher" in public and private schools. Apart from this, our graduates can take part in private teaching institutions, educational materials design and marketing companies, and in academic staff of universities by continuing a graduate program.