General Information
Çukurova University İmamoğlu Vocational School was established with the letter of the Council of Higher Education dated 24.05.2011 and numbered B.30.0.EBÖ.101.02.05-333 and students were admitted to the Computer Technology program in the 2014-2015 academic year. Our school is located in the district center of İmamoğlu, Adana. The total closed area is 1629 m2 and there are 1 computer lab (30 computers), 1 library, 5 classrooms, 1 canteen and 1 dining hall. Computer Technologies are used in every field today. In addition to large companies, medium and large-scale even small-scale enterprises benefit from computer technology. Young people who graduate from the "Computer Technology" Program at Imamoglu Vocational School will be able to find employment opportunities in this field all over our country.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
2 Year - 120 ECTS
Feature & Definition
Computer Technology Program in order to close the gap in the sector needed intermediate element, highly skilled , winning with study habits , having social responsibility , independent thinking ability improved , having this knowledge into practice ability and skills with a strong theoretical knowledge alongside practical experience and confidence with technology It aims to educate members .
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
The aim of the computer technology program is to train graduates who will meet the needs of qualified technical staff equipped with the knowledge and skills that businesses need and meet the needs of the global world. For this purpose, the students are given theoretical knowledge and practical applications together, and to train intermediate staff suitable for the needs of the sector.
The aim of the program is to train individuals who have sufficient background in numerical and applied fields such as science and mathematics, who can interpret and evaluate data, identify problems, realize professional plans and projects, and develop solution proposals by using the basic knowledge and skills they have acquired in the field. To raise individuals who can produce solutions to unforeseen problems encountered in applications related to computer science, can take responsibility in work groups or have the ability to work individually, communicate effectively and have a level of foreign language knowledge that can follow the innovations in the field.
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates who have a high school diploma and show certain success in the central exams conducted byThe Measuring, Selection and Placement Center (Turkish: ÖSYM) are placed in the program, taking into account the order of preference and success. Students are admitted to the department in the TYT score type and a 2-year associate degree education is given in our department. In addition, students are admitted to the Computer Technologies program through lateral transfer within the framework of the quota and criteria determined by the university.
Qualification Awarded
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
Available in the program which ( a total of 120 ECTS) undergraduate diploma at least 2.0 weighted grade who achieved average and passes through the internship report prepared by vocational training grade students to gas and installation technology technician field through successful completion and 4:00 all the courses .
Access to Further Studies
Upon successful completion of the pre-license training , DGS (Vertical Transfer Test) in accordance with applicable regulations of the Higher Education and scores the exam success by entering the transition to the undergraduate program can be determined by OSYM. Departments that can be earned with the DGS exam: Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Computer and Instructional Technologies Teaching, Information Systems and Technologies, Industrial Engineering, Physics, Physics Engineering, Statistics, Statistics and Computer Sciences, Control and Automation Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Mathematics- Computer, Meteorological Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Software Engineering, Management Information Systems. In addition to these, graduates of the Computer Technology department can complete the Vertical Transfer Exam (Dgs) and the Open Education Undergraduate Programs of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Business; Open Education Undergraduate Programs of Atatürk University Open Education Faculty; Istanbul University Open and Distance Education Faculty has the right to transfer to Associate Degree Programs that can choose Open Education Undergraduate Programs with DGS.
Internships are held on the dates announced by the School Directorate and the duration of the internship cannot be less than 30 working days depending on the program specification. It is appropriate to do the internship during the summer break at the end of the first year. Otherwise, the student may lose their rights for a semester or a year. The aims of the sector-based education studies of the Computer Technology Program students are as follows: - To develop and consolidate the professional knowledge taught in the first and second year courses with their applications during the internship. - To know the organization, order and systems in the possible business areas in which they will work after starting their business life. - To recognize the authorities and responsibilities they will undertake as a Computer Technician in enterprises, to gain the habit of working in harmony with the personnel responsible for the upper and lower levels, to be a good manager, and to prepare a good employment environment at the same time.
Applied Course
An applied course is not available.
Work Placement
There is no on-the-job training in this program.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
Computer Technology program students; In accordance with the agreements and protocols made between other higher education institutions abroad or in the country, one or two semesters can be studied in other relevant higher education institutions. These students are required to have succeeded in all previous learning activities. Courses, practices, internships and similar activities that students will continue in these higher education institutions; The equivalence of the student to the courses, practices, internships and similar activities in his/her own curriculum is determined in advance by the decision of the administrative board regarding the recommendation of the advisor and the relevant department chair/program advisor.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates of the program can find employment in all public and private institutions, as qualified personnel with the title of 'Computer Technician', in order to take part in the establishment of computer networks, the maintenance and repair of computers, the establishment of operating systems, and the writing of computer software. There are also opportunities to open their own business. They will be able to work in various sectors such as Industrial Organizations, Computer Marketing and Technical Support Firms, Logistics Firms, Computer Aided Industrial Design Firms, Information Processing Units of Companies, as a system support specialist, computer technician, technology marketing specialist.