German Language Teaching (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Socıal Scıences

Program Learning Outcomes

Order Type Program Learning Outcomes
PLO01 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Explains scientific research methods.
PLO02 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Learns how to compile information with scientific methods.
PLO03 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Gains the ability to evaluate and interpret information according to scientific rules.
PLO04 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Acquire scientific article writing techniques.
PLO05 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Explains theoretical and practical knowledge of the field at a professional level.
PLO06 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı Analyzes foreign language policy and practices at national and international level.
PLO07 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Performs the study required for expertise in their field independently.
PLO08 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Conducts the studies in the field within the framework of lifelong learning.
PLO09 Yetkinlikler - İletişim ve Sosyal Yetkinlik Effectively uses information and communication technologies related to German language education.
PLO10 Yetkinlikler - Alana Özgü Yetkinlik Learns the ethical values in science.
PLO11 Yetkinlikler - Alana Özgü Yetkinlik Uses German language education and knowledge in different fields by associating them.