LO01 |
1. Explains the concepts of basic health and public health,
2. Defines the perception of health and illness,
3. Explains Social-Community Medicine, Public Health (PH)-Preventive Medicine,
4. Lists health services,
5. Explains the historical development of medicine,
6. Compares traditional and contemporary medicine,
7. Lists the principles of PH understanding today,
8. Lists the organisation of PH and contemporary PH practices,
9. Lists the roles of the World Health Organization (WHO) in terms of PH,
10. Lists the branches of PH science,
11. Explains PH awareness and PH week activities,
12. Lists urgent health issues for 2020-2030
13. Lists “Sustainable Development Goals” of The United Nations
14. Explains the relationship between Covid-19 and “Sustainable Development Goals”. |
LO02 |
1. Defines epidemiology as a methodology,
2. Explains the development process of epidemiology in history,
3. Lists the basic strategies and features of epidemiology,
4. Defines the classification and usage areas of various epidemiological study types,
5. Lists the basic features of epidemiological research.
6. Explains the characteristics of epidemiological methods used in research. |
LO03 |
1. Defines infectious diseases,
2. Defines the chain of infection,
3. Explains surveillance, its importance and stages,
4. Defines an epidemic and explains the study of an epidemic,
5. Lists the necessary precautions to be taken before and after the emergence of infectious diseases,
6. Lists the control methods for water-born, food-born, air-born and sexually transmitted diseases,
7. Explains the notification system in infectious diseases. |
LO04 |
1. Explains the concept of gender, its effects, its situation in the world and in Turkey,
2. Lists the common women's and reproductive health problems in Turkey,
3. Explains the health risks related to women's and reproductive health,
4. Lists the risky situations and the content of the service provided in the follow-up of women aged 15-49 in primary care,
5. Lists the preventive health services for women of reproductive age in primary care. |
LO05 |
1. Ranks the risk factors for maternal health,
2. Lists the causes of maternal deaths,
3. Explains the importance of maternal deaths in Turkey,
4. Explains the importance of prenatal and puerperal care,
5. Ranks the risky situations that may be encountered during pregnancy, |
LO06 |
1. Defines family planning (FP) and explains its historical development,
2. Lists the benefits of family planning,
3. Explains the use of FP in Turkey,
4. Defines FP counselling,
5. List the FP methods,
6. Explains FP methods,
7. Defines emergency contraception. |
LO07 |
1. Explains the importance of child health in our country and in the world,
2. Explains the value and importance of the child in the family and society,
3. Lists the indicators of child health,
4. Lists the factors affecting child health,
5. Lists the main causes of child health morbidity and mortality,
6. Defines the child health service model and the programs carried out,
7. Defines childhood periods, characteristics and common health problems,
8. Explains the healthy relationship between mother and baby,
9. Explains the importance of healthy child follow-up and how it is done,
10. Explains the importance and characteristics of nutrition in childhood,
11. Explains the social factors that cause the emergence of common childhood diseases and the early diagnosis of these diseases and the methods of approach to these diseases,
12. Lists the causes and prevention methods of accidents and injuries in childhood,
13. Explains social studies that will affect child health and how to support them,
14. Calculates and interprets infant and child health indicators,
15. Develops solution proposals and plans implementation methods to reduce child health morbidity and mortality rates,
16. Lists and explains the periodic follow-ups of healthy children in the 0-6 age group,
17. Lists the methods for following growth and development in healthy child follow-ups and early diagnosis of related problems,
18. Describes vaccination schedule for age groups,
19. Explains mothers' knowledge of breastfeeding and breast care techniques and feeding techniques of infants,
20. Defines prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of common childhood diseases,
21. Explains the protective measures that should be taken by other health personnel, families and the community against causes of accidents and injuries,
22. Explains cooperation with other sectors,
23. Lists the health problems of this period. |
LO08 |
1. Defines adolescence period,
2. Lists the characteristics of the adolescence period,
3. Lists the factors affecting adolescent health,
4. Explains the concept of RISK in adolescence,
5. Lists the causes of morbidity and mortality in adolescence, emphasises their importance and lists solutions,
6. Explains the adolescent health service model and the importance of intersectoral cooperation in its delivery,
7. Lists the sectors that will cooperate in the provision of adolescent health services. |
LO09 |
1. Lists the basic principles and methods of immunisation,
2. Explains the national immunisation program,
3. Defines risk groups,
4. Explains adult immunization,
5. Lists the vaccines that are not included in the routine vaccination schedule,
6. Organises immunisation practices according to the needs of the society,
7. Calculates target group and vaccination percentage in routine vaccination programs,
8. Calculates the required amount of vaccination,
9. Lists the cold chain rules,
10. Explains the GBP vaccination circular,
11. Lists the aims of activities such as vaccination days or vaccination campaigns, and knows their differences,
12. Explains the control of communicable diseases seen in the community and vaccination applications in epidemics. |
LO10 |
1. Explains the concept of occupational health and safety (OHS), its history and legal basis,
2. Explains the relationship between occupational health and human health and public health,
3. Lists the principles of occupational health practice,
4. Explains the concepts of danger and risk, evaluation and protection,
5. Lists the definition of occupational disease, its features, causes and ways of prevention,
6. Defines work-related diseases,
7. Lists work accidents, their causes and protection methods,
8. Explains the positions of ergonomics, absenteeism and nutrition in occupational health,
9. Lists the OHS organisation in Türkiye and the function and members of the OHS Board,
10. Knows the characteristics of the workplace health unit,
11. Knows the duties and responsibilities of the workplace doctor,
12. Explains the developments in occupational health in the light of international standards. |
LO11 |
1. Defines injury/accident, and knows its importance,
2. Lists the types and causes of injury/accident,
3. Lists the general methods of protection from injuries/accidents,
4. Lists special protection methods from home, work and traffic injuries/accidents,
5. Defines first aid and first aid,
6. Lists the priorities and basic applications in first aid,
7. Evaluates the accident environment. |
LO12 |
1. Knows the definition, types and causes of the extraordinary situation (EOS),
2. Describes public health services in extraordinary situations,
3. Knows the approach to EOS before its occurrence,
4. Knows the approach to EOS during its occurrence
5. Knows the approach to EOS after its occurrence,
6. Describes what to do in primary care medicine for the prevention of EOS.
7. Explains the protection in nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) danger,
8. Describes emergency aid applications in endangered primary care conditions in NBC. |
LO13 |
1. Defines nutrition and knows related definitions,
2. Knows the effects of community nutrition on health,
3. Lists nutrients and nutritional diseases,
4. Knows the health problems caused by nutrition-related diseases,
5. Lists nutrition problems, solutions and suggestions in Türkiye,
6. Explains pregnant, infant and child nutrition,
7. Lists the relationship between obesity and nutrition and solutions. |
LO14 |
1. Defines chronic disease,
2. Explains the social importance of the chronic disease,
3. Lists the problems caused by the chronic disease,
4. Knows the screening methods for chronic diseases,
5. Knows the prevention of chronic diseases. |
LO15 |
1. Defines the elderly and elderly health
2. Explains the importance of elderly health,
3. Explains the practices in primary health care for elderly health. |
LO16 |
1. Knows zoonoses and coping methods with zoonoses in primary care medicine,
2. Defines zoonotic diseases in primary care,
3. Defines the evaluation of zoonoses and treatment according to the result,
4. Knows the precautions for transmission routes,
5. Knows the precautions for risk groups in zoonoses,
6. Knows the notifications of the zoonoses,
7. Defines inter-sectoral cooperation in the fight against zoonoses. |
LO17 |
1. Explains the concepts and forms of education,
2. Defines adult education,
3. Defines health behaviour and health promotion and lists plans,
4. Explains the basic aims, stages and principles of health education,
5. Lists the factors, methods and basic issues affecting health education,
6. Explains health literacy and its importance,
7. Explains how to develop health literacy. |
LO18 |
1. Explains the simple staining techniques used in the primary care laboratory,
2. Takes blood samples for malaria, evaluates it and describes the treatment,
3. Performs routine stool and urine tests and explains the results,
4. Performs leukocyte, haemoglobin, haematocrit and sedimentation tests and explains the results,
5. Performs skin fungus native preparations and explains the results,
6. Evaluates other advanced laboratory test results (SGOT, SGPT, AK, Cholesterol, etc.) and explains patient referral. |
LO19 |
1. Explains the basic units of environment and ecology,
2. Defines water pollution, water disinfection and water treatment,
3. Explains air pollution,
4. Explains the concept of waste, its types, transportation and disposal,
5. Defines pesticides and lists their types,
6. Defines vectors and lists their types,
7. Knows the health effects of radiation and noise,
8. Explains global warming, climate change and ozone pollution,
9. Explain the risk assessment in environmental health. |
LO20 |
1. Defines tourism, explains its importance in the world and in Turkey,
2. Explains the relationship between health and tourism,
3. Defines tourist health,
4. Lists the specific health needs of tourists and various public health problems related to tourism, including nomads, and lists solutions,
5. Explains the vaccination needs of tourists,
6. Defines health tourism and explains its applications,
7. Defines tourism health,
8. Lists the health, environmental health and public health measures of the employees in the tourism sector,
9. Explains the importance of integrating tourist health and medicine in primary care service delivery,
10. Knows the problems and measures related to high-risk tourist groups. |
LO21 |
1. Defines school health and related standards,
2. Knows the historical development of school health in Turkey,
3. Knows the importance of school health,
4. Classify and explain school health services,
5. Explains the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment approach in school health,
6. Lists the principles of nutrition at school age,
7. Explains the management of infectious and chronic diseases in the school environment,
8. Defines the concept of Health Promotion School,
9. Defines the school health team,
10. Knows school health services in Turkey.
11. Evaluates school health in terms of community and environmental health. |
LO22 |
1. Knows management styles and planning stages,
2. Explains the administrative structure of Turkey,
3. Defines health services legislation,
4. Lists the audit phenomenon and techniques,
5. Knows health economics,
6. Lists the causes of cost increase in health services and their importance in terms of public health,
7. Determines the service-related expectations, wishes and needs of the society served,
8. Defines the scope of planning and organising a planning exercise,
9. Interprets the legislation provisions such as laws, statutes, regulations, and directives correctly,
10. Explains the efficient management principles of the Family Health Centre,
11. Explains primary, secondary and tertiary health institutions and a public health laboratory,
12. Knows appropriate audit techniques,
13. Explains using the information in management decisions,
14. Defines constantly renewing knowledge and skills. |