SBUS409 Oil, Water and War

6 ECTS - 3-0 Duration (T+A)- 7. Semester- 3 National Credit


Code SBUS409
Name Oil, Water and War
Term 2024-2025 Academic Year
Semester 7. Semester
Duration (T+A) 3-0 (T-A) (17 Week)
National Credit 3 National Credit
Teaching Language Türkçe
Level Lisans Dersi
Type Normal
Mode of study Yüz Yüze Öğretim
Catalog Information Coordinator Prof. Dr. ASLI ILGIT
Course Instructor

Course Goal / Objective

This course is to provide you with historical information, analytical tools and knowledge that will be useful in comprehending the complex dynamics of oil and water politics, and to prepare you to engage in debates about current developments and policies that states and other entities might pursue to satisfy needs for oil and water.

Course Content

Oil and water scarcities are already major causes of conflict within and between nations. The struggle for the control of their sources has been so central to international politics that some experts and policy makers have claimed that whereas the 20th century was characterized by a global struggle for petroleum, the 21st century will be marked by a struggle for water. The issues of oil and water are interdisciplinary by their very nature, and their political and security aspects will be emphasized in this course. In addition to the physical conflict over these resources, as the title of course implies, we will also consider how the struggle for these resources affects policy debates, economic and foreign policies, and investment in new technology and infrastructure. The semester is divided into two parts. During the first half of the course we will focus on the issues surrounding oil and natural gas, and in the later half of the course we will do the same for water.

Course Precondition



Daniel Yergin. Petrol: Para ve Güç Çatışmasının Öyküsü. İş Bankası kültür Yayınları. 2009.


Daily news, periodical readings

Course Learning Outcomes

Order Course Learning Outcomes
LO01 Understand the place and importance of the oil and water issues in global politics.
LO02 Understand the role and importance of oil in various historical events in world politics.
LO03 Gain understanding of the conflict among various actors in domestic politics about oil issues.
LO04 Examine the role of oil in different wars in world politics.
LO05 Examine the role and importance of oil in states' foreign policy.
LO06 Learn about the birth of OPEC and its role in oil politics.
LO07 Learn about the birth of NOCs and their role in global oil politics.
LO08 Gain a general understanding of water and its role in birth of civilizations.
LO09 Examine the different understandings of water security.
LO10 Learn about different approaches of various actors in global water pollitics.
LO11 Examine the relationship between water and human rights.
LO12 Gain skills to analyze different oil problems in different parts of the world.
LO13 Gain skills to analyze different water problems in different parts of the world.

Relation with Program Learning Outcome

Order Type Program Learning Outcomes Level
PLO01 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Has the conceptual and theoretical competence to explain the phenomena in the disciplines of Political Science and International Relations. 5
PLO02 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Identifies the international and national issues by methodologies used in the disciplines of Political Science and International Relations; chooses the appropriate analysis techniques across the issues and applies the appropriate empirical studies. 5
PLO03 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Becomes skilful at following and interpreting different social areas in international and national levels and also applies the problem-solving oriented practices.
PLO04 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Collects, reviews and analyzes the data obtained which necessary for modelling applications in the Social Science.
PLO05 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Individually and/or in a team, takes responsibility, leadership, and works effectively. 1
PLO06 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı In recognition of the need for lifelong learning, follows the latest developments in the field and improves himself/herself. 5
PLO07 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Uses Turkish, and at least one more foreign language, in accordance with the requirements of academic and work life.
PLO08 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Understands and interprets the feelings, thoughts and behaviors of related persons correctly; and expresses himself/herself in written and oral forms accurately. 1
PLO09 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği Improves his/herself constantly by defining educational requirements considering interests and talents in scientific, cultural, art and social fields besides career development. 1
PLO10 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Questions traditional approaches, practices and methods; and develops and applies new study methods if necessary. 3
PLO11 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Recognizes and implements social, scientific and professional ethical values.
PLO12 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Develops skills of defining and analyzing the international, regional and national oriented issues, producing appropriate conflict-resolution techniques and negotiation skills. 4
PLO13 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Develops critical thinking skills. 5

Week Plan

Week Topic Preparation Methods
1 Introduction and Overview of the Course Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Tartışma
2 The Beginning: PA, USA and WWI Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
3 Interwar Period: Latin America and Middle East Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
4 WWII and Its Aftermath: Japan and Germany Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
5 National Oil Companies Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
6 States, Companies and OPEC Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
7 Energy Crises in 1970s, 1980s, 1990s Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
8 Mid-Term Exam Prep for the exam Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Bireysel Çalışma
9 Water and Civilizations Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
10 Water Problems in the ME I Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
11 Water Problems in the ME II Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma
12 Water Problems in Asia and Africa Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
13 Corporations vs Communities Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
14 Cooperations or Conflict Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Anlatım, Soru-Cevap, Tartışma, Örnek Olay
15 Recap the Semester Reading Öğretim Yöntemleri:
16 Term Exams Prep for the exam Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Bireysel Çalışma
17 Term Exams Prep for the exam Öğretim Yöntemleri:
Bireysel Çalışma

Student Workload - ECTS

Works Number Time (Hour) Workload (Hour)
Course Related Works
Class Time (Exam weeks are excluded) 14 3 42
Out of Class Study (Preliminary Work, Practice) 14 7 98
Assesment Related Works
Homeworks, Projects, Others 0 0 0
Mid-term Exams (Written, Oral, etc.) 1 2 2
Final Exam 1 2 2
Total Workload (Hour) 144
Total Workload / 25 (h) 5,76

Update Time: 13.05.2024 11:02