Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Scıence And Letters

General Information

The foundation of the Department of Matheamtics dates back to 1978, with the reqruitment of the first teahing staff member within the Faculty of Basic Sciences. It becomes a separate department with the foundation of the Faculty of Science and Letterts in 1982 and the first undergraduate students were accepted in the 1983-1984 academic year. In 2002 the number of the faculty reached 17. In 2003 some of the faculty established the Department of Statistics. Currently (2024 April) the department of mathematics is continuing research and teaching with 6 Professors, 5 Associate Professors. and 1 Assistant Professors and 4 Research Asistants.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The mission of the department of mathematics is to provide students with the opportunity to develop basic mathematics and mathematical ideas through compulsory courses, and to develop themselves in line with their career goals with a wide range of elective courses. In addition, our department provides a wide range of information to students with the help of the Erasmus and Mevlana program and with the cooperation of the Farabi program with the universities in Turkey. In addition to their mathematical development, various seminars, conferences and workshops are organized for students to improve their personal development and mathematical culture. In addition, the academic seminars organized within the department have the ability to provide students with the participation of national and international symposiums, to increase the communication of the students with the academic staff and thus to make the appropriate ground for the students and academic staff to work.

Mode of Study

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Update Time: 14.01.2025 02:00