Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Fıne Arts

General Information

The training plan of the Graphic Department is prepared as aiming for a graduate student to be able to produce competent design solutions by using the correct methodologies, on a variety of communication platforms such as advertising, printed media, multimedia and environmental design, at national and global level. During their training period, students take courses in a wide range of design practices from publication design to web design and from illustrations to environmental graphic design, to develop their visual communication and design skills. The department has 2 Assistant Professor, 5 Lecturers in its faculty staff and offers students courses and studies in 4 workshops, 1 computer lab and 1 photography lab.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The training plan of the Graphic Department is prepared as aiming for a graduate student to be able to produce competent design solutions by using the correct methodologies, on a variety of communication platforms such as advertising, printed media, multimedia and environmental design, at national and global level. During their training period, students take courses in a wide range of design practices from publication design to web design and from illustrations to environmental graphic design, to develop their visual communication and design skills. The department has 2 Assistant Professor, 4 Lecturers and in its faculty staff and offers students courses and studies in 4 workshops, 1 computer lab and 1 photography studio

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Tuğba GAYRET

ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



In the end of the four-year program, our students are expected to be graphic artists/designers who have an exploratory, creative, cultural and critical perspective on their own study fields, who have the ability to add new functions to natural and artificial elements and images through reason and intuition. They are expected to be individuals who are sensitive to the environment, society and the human being itself, educate the society, develop its aesthetic perceptions and are proficient to produce in all physical platforms where the act of visual communication takes place.


In the field of art / design education and teaching, in the direction of universal criteria, individual and professional care for defending the ethical and legal values of the profession, with the conscious of being a citizen responsible for social, cultural, scientific and artistic values, to contribute to art and design in the country and the living city environment by educating the individuals who are aiming at the international level as the study field, following the technological developments and using them in their designs, combining the practice with theory and discovering creativity.

Specific Admission Requirements

To entry Department of Graphic Design Bachelor's Degree Program he/she must completed high school education or have an equivalent education abroad and and taking adequate exam score of the national university entrance and required to be managed Skill Exam of Faculty of Fine Arts of Çukurova University.

Qualification Awarded

Graphic Designer

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

To have taken a minimum of 240 ECTS courses from the compulsory and elective courses in the Graphics Department Undergraduate Program and to be successful in the compulsory printing and agency internships.

Access to Further Studies

Students who have successfully completed their undergraduate education in this program can continue their education in their own field or in related fields as a result of the evaluation of the undergraduate graduation GPA and the applied exams and interview exams of the institutions they apply to.


Department of Graphic Design Bachelor's Degree Program has two internships includes printing press internship and Advertising Agency internship. The duration of each training comprises a semester. Printing press internhip occurs at Cukurova University Prining House. Advertising Agency internship occurs at Agencies which are located in our city. But If the agency does have adequate equipment for training, internship will occur at Department of Graphic Design with responsible teaching staff.

Applied Course

There are no applied courses in this program.

Work Placement

On-the-job training is not compulsory. However, apart from the compulsory internships, the student can work as an intern in as many companies as he/she wishes during the summer period during his/her education life.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Our students can benefit from exchange programs through Erasmus, Mevlana and Farabi exchange programs within the scope of our contracted institutions. In addition, our department also has a double major and minor program.

Employment Opportunities

Our graduates can work as creative directors, art directors, graphics designers, page designers and illustrator artists at local or international advertising/design agencies, design studios, desktop publishing industries, printing and / or graphic arts pre-press industries as operators and workshop conductors. They can also work in the textile industries as graphics designers and illustration artists.
Update Time: 09.05.2024 05:47