Addiction (Interdisciplinary)

Doctorate Degree - Instıtute Of Addıctıon And Forensıc Scıences

2022 - 2023 Year Course Catalog

Code Name Term Duration (T+A) ECTS National Credit C/E
BAG610 Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG611 Spring 2-0 6 2 Elective
BAG612 Spring 2-0 6 2 Elective
BAG613 Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG614 Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG615 Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
BAG616 Substance Abuse Spring 2-2 7 3 Elective
BAG618 Addiction and Social Awareness Spring 2-0 7 2 Elective
BAG619 Addiction and Probation Spring 2-4 7 4 Elective
BAG620 Addiction, Neglect and Abuse Spring 2-0 7 2 Elective
BAG621 Child and Juvenile Delinquency Spring 2-0 7 2 Elective
BAG622 Communication Skills Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG623 Child Abuse and Neglect Spring 2-0 7 2 Elective
BAG624 Domestic Violence Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG629 Spring 2-0 4 0 Elective
BAG632 ADDICTION CELL BIOLOGY 1 Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG633 ADDICTION CELL BIOLOGY 2 Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG634 Addiction and current nursing approaches Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG635 Substance Abuse and Ethics Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG636 Basic Pharmacology II Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG637 Pharmacogenetic Spring 2-2 5 3 Elective
BAG638 Basic principles of Central Nervous System and ... Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG639 Drug abuse and drug addiction Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG640 Drug Toxiciccity and Intoxication Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG641 Biostatistics Basic Concepts And Advanced Analysis Spring 3-2 7 4 Elective
BAG642 Advanced Analytical Chemistry Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG643 Advanced organic chemistry Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG644 Spring 2-0 4 2 Elective
BAG645 Philosophy of Science Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG648 Psychopharmacology II Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG652 Current approaches to addiction prevention and ... Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG653 Risk Behaviors and Current Prevention Studies i... Spring 2-0 6 2 Elective
BAG654 Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG655 Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG656 Psychopathology and Family Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG657 Psychopharmacology I Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
BAG601 Addiction Toxicology Spring 2-4 8 4 Compulsory
BAG602 Criminal Behaviour in Addiction Spring 2-4 7 4 Compulsory
BAG646 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication ... Spring 3-0 6 3 Compulsory
BAG650 Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders and Current... Spring 2-3 6 3 Compulsory
BAG720 Special Area Course Spring 5-0 5 0 Compulsory
BAG725 Seminar Spring 0-0 3 0 Compulsory
BAG740 Thesis Work Spring 0-0 25 0 Compulsory