Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Engıneerıng

2023 - 2024 Year Course Catalog

Distribution of Courses to be Taken

Type ECTS Percent
Compulsory C 180 75%
Elective E 60 25%
Total 240 100%

General Distribution of Courses

Label Compulsory Courses Elective Courses
ECTS Percent ECTS Percent
CU Common Courses (University) 12 6.67% 0 0%
NFE Non-Field Elective Courses (University) 0 0% 9 6.52%
Other Courses 168 93.33% 129 93.48%
Total 180 100% 138 100%

1. Semester

2. Semester

3. Semester

4. Semester

5. Semester

6. Semester

7. Semester

8. Semester

Label Code Name Duration (T+A) ECTS National Credit C/E
C TLZ402 Tekstilde Uygulamalı Mühendislik Eğitimi(TUME) 0-40 30 20 Compulsory