Art Teaching (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Socıal Scıences

General Information

Art Education Department master's program is carried out under Çukurova University Social Sciences Institute. In this program, theoretical and applied studies on art and art education are carried out. This program aims to develop students' artistic and scientific knowledge, to gain the ability to evaluate contemporary art and thought, as well as to produce effective and qualified products. Students who have completed their undergraduate education can apply to this program in the fall semester every year. The master's program is completed in at least four and at most six semesters. Master's students can choose the courses in the Master's program of the Department of Painting Education. Students must take at least four courses (30 ECTS) each semester. Students who are successful in their courses prepare a master's thesis to be completed in at least two semesters.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Art Education Department master's program is designed to produce information in the fields of artistic production, art history research, art criticism studies, which are the components of visual arts education, to share the information it produces on national and international platforms, to contribute to the field by conducting scientific research, and to gain a place in the academic environment. It is a program run by individuals who have the necessary qualifications and qualifications.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 10.05.2023 09:20