Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Doctorate Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

2023 - 2024 Year Course Catalog

Code Name Term Duration (T+A) ECTS National Credit C/E
TBB0010 Remediation Methods Of Contaminated Soils Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TBB0016 Fertilisation of Field and Horticultural Crops Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TBB0019 Relations between Soil Organic Matter and Mineral Nutrition of Plants Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TBB002 Mineral Elements Nutrition and Human Health Relations of Plants Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TBB006 Plant Nutrient Action Spring 2-0 6 2 Elective
TBB007 Special Problems in Soil Conservation Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TBB500 Quaternary Soils Spring 3-0 5 3 Elective
TBB516 Bacterial Isolation and Inoculation Methods Spring 2-1 5 2.5 Elective
TBB528 Model Utilizing Techniques and Scientific Processes Spring 2-1 6 2.5 Elective
TBB531 Microbial Ecology Fall 2-1 6 2.5 Elective
TBB561 Pedology Fall 3-0 5 3 Elective
TBB562 Mycorrhizal Ecology Spring 2-0 5 2 Elective
TBB579 Plant Growth Models and Suggestions for Production Fall 2-0 6 2 Elective
TBB582 Heavy Metals in Soil and Plant Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TBB584 Basic Rules of Soil Physics Spring 2-0 6 2 Elective
TBB604 Plant Nutritional Techniques in Soilless Culture Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
TBB610 Ecosystem of Plant Roots Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
TBB617 Rhizosphere-Plant Adaptation Relations Fall 2-2 6 3 Elective
TBB625 Plant Growth Regulators Fall 2-2 6 3 Elective
BYETBB3 Scientific Research Methodology and Publication Ethics Fall 3-0 6 3 Compulsory
BYETBB4 Scientific Research Methodology and Publication Ethics Spring 3-0 6 3 Compulsory
DTBB801 Special Area Course Fall 5-0 6 0 Compulsory
DTBB802 Special Area Course Spring 5-0 6 0 Compulsory
DTBBS801 Seminar Fall 0-0 6 0 Compulsory
DTBBS802 Spring 0-0 6 0 Compulsory
DTBBT801 Thesis Work Fall 0-0 24 0 Compulsory
DTBBT802 Thesis Work Spring 0-0 24 0 Compulsory