Biostatistics (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Medıcal Scıences

2022 - 2023 Year Course Catalog

Code Name Term Duration (T+A) ECTS National Credit C/E
BİS500 Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
BİS503 Spring 3-0 3 3 Elective
BİS504 Research Methods and Sampling Spring 3-1 3 3 Elective
BİS512 Spring 2-2 4 3 Elective
BİS514 Introduction to Medical Informatics Spring 1-2 4 2 Elective
BİS524 Introduction to Demography Spring 2-0 4 2 Elective
BİS525 Statistical Analysis of Health Inequalities Spring 2-0 3 2 Elective
BİS526 Social Determinants of Health and Statistics Spring 2-0 3 2 Elective
BİS531 Linear Models Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
BİS535 Medicine Decision Making Methods Spring 2-3 4 1 Elective
BİS540 Applied Biostatistics Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
BİS541 Introductıon to R Programme Spring 1-3 4 2 Elective
BİS542 Data Processing Spring 1-2 4 2 Elective
BİS544 Nonparametric Statistical Methods Spring 2-3 5 1 Elective
BİS545 Spring 1-2 4 2 Elective
BİS546 Spring 2-3 5 2 Elective
BİS547 Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
BİS550 Fundamental of Bioistatistic Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
BİS553 Epidemiology Spring 2-1 5 2 Elective
BİS555 Spring 1-2 4 2 Elective
BİS561 Evidence Based Medicine Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
BİS564 Mixed Research Methods Spring 2-3 4 1 Elective
BİS510 Research Methods and Academic Publication Ethics Spring 3-0 3 3 Compulsory
BİS511 Methods in Health Screening Studies Spring 3-1 7 3 Compulsory
BİS521 Basic Epidemiology Spring 3-1 7 3 Compulsory
BİS522 Statistical Methods Used in Epidemiology Spring 2-2 6 3 Compulsory
BİS563 Article Writing and Evaluation Spring 2-0 4 2 Compulsory
BİS710 Special Area Course Spring 0-0 5 0 Compulsory
BİS715 Seminar (Z) Spring 0-0 3 0 Compulsory
BİS730 Thesis Spring 0-0 25 0 Compulsory