Basic Islamic Studies (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Socıal Scıences

2024 - 2025 Year Course Catalog

Code Name Term Duration (T+A) ECTS National Credit C/E
TİB1707 Comparative Theology Problems Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1709 Methods of Making Judgments in Islamic Law Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1710 Systematic Word Problems Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1711 Classical Fiqh Texts Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1716 Islamic Jurisdiction Law Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1720 Classical Procedural Texts Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1722 Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1724 Case of Kiraat in Linguistic Interpretations Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1725 Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1726 Basic Problems of Kiraat Science Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1727 Historical Course of Sufis Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1729 Basic Principles of Sufis Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1730 Classic Sufi Texts Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1731 Hanafi-Maturidi-Yesevi Religious Discourse Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1732 Reflections of the Rational Understanding of Religion in Islamic Thought Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1733 Source Critique in Research on the History of Islamic Sects Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB1734 The Formation Process of Ahl al-Sunnah Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB701 Impact of Pre-Islamic Culture in Arising of Hadiths Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB702 The Main Problems in Hadith Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB703 Interpretation Methods and Techniques of Hadiths Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB704 The Identification of Hadiths and Criticisms of Them Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB705 The Comparative Hadith Methodology I Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB706 Comparative Hadith Methodology II Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB717 The Beginning of Law Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB719 Islamic Law Methodology I Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB720 The Methodology of Islamic Law II Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB721 The Comparative Family Law Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB722 General Principles of Islamic Law Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB723 The Problems of Contemporary Fıkıh Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB725 The Systematic Development of Theological Thought Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB726 The Uluhhiyat Concept in Islamic Thought Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB727 Theological Points of View to Islam Basics Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB732 The Main Problems of Theology Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB733 Hadith Literature I Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB734 Hadith Literature II Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB737 Hadith Texts I Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB738 Hadith Texts II Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB740 History of Sufism Literature Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB751 The History of Quran Text Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB752 Approaches to the Quran in Contemporary Islamic Thought Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB755 History of Tasfir I Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB756 History of tasfir II Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB757 Jurisprudence Theory Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB759 Arabic Translation Techniques I Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB763 Methodology of History of Islamic Sects Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB765 Alternative Approaches in the Struggles for Power in The Early Islamic Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB766 Religious Movements in the Today Islamic World Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB767 Codification Movements in Islamic Law Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB768 Formation of Shiism in the Historical Process Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB779 Arabic as a Language Religion I Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB781 Structure and Characteristics of Arabic Language Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB783 Perception of The Prophethood in Islamic Theologies (Kalams) Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB784 Theorys of Creation /Existence and Islam Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB785 Kalam School of Ashari Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB786 Kalam School of Maturidi Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB787 Rationality Problem of Islamic Thought Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB788 Faith Hereafter and Justification of Rational Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB789 Semantics of the Qur'an Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB790 Relations of the Qur'an and Sîrah Spring 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB793 Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİB795 Basic Sources of Kiraat Science Fall 3-0 6 3 Elective
TİBH701 History of Hadith Fall and Spring 2-0 4 0 Elective
TİBH703 İntroduction to İslamic Law Fall and Spring 2-0 4 0 Elective
TİBH704 Methodology of İslamic Law Fall and Spring 2-0 0 0 Elective
TİBH705 Introduction to the Qur'an Fall and Spring 2-0 4 0 Elective
TİBH706 Introduction to Qur'anic Exegesis Fall and Spring 2-0 0 0 Elective
TİBH707 Introduction to Arabic Language Fall and Spring 2-0 4 0 Elective
TİBH708 Arabic Fall and Spring 2-0 0 0 Elective
TİBH709 Introduction to Theology (Kalam) Fall and Spring 2-0 4 0 Elective
TİBH710 Systematic Theology (Kalam) Fall and Spring 2-0 0 0 Elective
TİBH715 Islamic Principles of Faith Fall and Spring 2-0 4 0 Elective
TİBH716 Methodology of Theology (Kalam) Fall and Spring 2-0 0 0 Elective
TİB1700 Special Area Course Fall and Spring 5-0 6 0 Compulsory
TİB1701 The Thesis Fall and Spring 0-0 24 0 Compulsory
TİB791 Fall 3-0 6 3 Compulsory
TİB792 Research Techniques and Publication Ethics Spring 3-0 6 3 Compulsory
TİBS700 Seminar Fall and Spring 0-0 6 0 Compulsory