Translasyonel Tıp (İngilizce) (Disiplinlerarası)

Doktora Programı - Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü

2024 - 2025 Yılı Ders Planı

Kod Ad Dönem Süre (T+U) AKTS Yerel Kredi Z/S
Trans623 Biostatistics for Lab Research (Z) Bahar 3-0 5 3 Zorunlu
Trans624 Biostatistics for Epidemiological Research (Z) Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Zorunlu
Trans625 How to find a grant for a Project (Z) Bahar 2-0 3 2 Zorunlu
Trans626 'Writing a Research Proposal and Grant Aplicati... Bahar 3-0 3 3 Zorunlu
Trans720 Specialty Course (Z) Güz ve Bahar 0-0 5 0 Zorunlu
Trans725 Seminar (Z) Güz ve Bahar 0-0 3 0 Zorunlu
Trans740 PhD Thesis (Z) Güz ve Bahar 0-0 25 0 Zorunlu
Trans601 The Utility of Databases and Analysis Tools in ... Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans602 DNA Damage and Repair Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans603 Molecular Background of Immunization Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans604 Molecular Bases of Diseases - with Cases Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans605 Translational Laboratory Techniques I Güz ve Bahar 1-4 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans606 Translational Laboratory Techniques II Bahar 1-4 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans607 Drug Design and Development Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans608 Animal Models of Diseases Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans609 Biochemical Interaction of Biomolecules Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans610 Basic Bioinformatics Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans612 Biobanking Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans615 Biology of Solid tumors Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans616 Translation from Cancer Biology Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans617 Physical Basics of Novel Imaging Techniques Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans618 Applications of Genomics, Transcriptomics, Prot... Güz ve Bahar 3-0 3 3 Seçmeli
Trans620 Biomedical Electronics Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans621 The use of Artificial Intelligence in Translati... Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans622 Design and development of Diagnostic Kits Güz ve Bahar 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
Trans627 Bio-Microfluidics Güz ve Bahar 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
Trans632 The Role of Oxidative Stress in the Formation o... Bahar 4-0 6 4 Seçmeli